比如原sql是 "select a.user_id, a.user_name from table_a a where 1=1 and a.filter_Id='111' and a.filter_type='0'" 修改为 "select a.user_name from table_a a where 1=1 and a.filter_Id='111'" 。 可以去掉某个查询字段和条件
I don't know if druid can do this, but at lease you can do it without druid. If you are using Mybatis, you can add a interceptor to get the sql statement to run. Modify this sql with some sql parser framework (like jsqlparser). Then you will get the new sql.
For example, PageHelper use this technique to page
I don't know if druid can do this, but at lease you can do it without druid. If you are using Mybatis, you can add a interceptor to get the sql statement to run. Modify this sql with some sql parser framework (like jsqlparser). Then you will get the new sql.
For example, PageHelper use this technique to page
可以使用parer的 visitor 完成修改 https://github.com/alibaba/druid/wiki/Druid_SQL_AST