now when I fixed the MySQL problem with Magento 2 and MAMP I got a new problem trying to install Magento 2 via the command line
The command I run for installation
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:install \
--base-url=http://localhost/magento2_learning_codilar \
--db-host=localhost \
--db-name=magento2_learning_codilar \
--db-user=root \
--db-password=root \
--admin-firstname=Stefan \
--admin-lastname=Momcilovic \ \
--admin-user=admin \
--admin-password=admin123 \
--language=en_US \
--currency=USD \
--timezone=Europe/Belgrade \
--use-rewrites=1 \
And I get this
But I have got elastic search installed I checked with the command
curl -X GET ''
And I get a response
"name" : "Stefans-MacBook-Pro.local",
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch_stefanmomcilovic",
"cluster_uuid" : "I06MWrU8TnSIacw9SGw3-A",
"version" : {
"number" : "7.17.4",
"build_flavor" : "default",
"build_type" : "tar",
"build_hash" : "79878662c54c886ae89206c685d9f1051a9d6411",
"build_date" : "2022-05-18T18:04:20.964345128Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "8.11.1",
"minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
"minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
So now can someone explain to me what is the problem I also tried to run this command to disable elastic search and try installation again
php bin/magento module:disable {Magento_Elasticsearch,Magento_InventoryElasticsearch,Magento_Elasticsearch6,Magento_Elasticsearch7}
But I also got an error that the elastic search module isn't enabled and installation cannot proceed further.
So now can anyone help me fix this, what is the problem I don't understand?
I just tried to install it all over again Magento from composer delete this old one and now it works it installed successfully I don't know what is happening but ok now it works