Both cluster and proxy works for system load balancing, in short to serve a large set of connections or clients, but there are some differences.
中文: Cluster和Proxy都是为了解决系统的负载均衡问题,简单来说就是支持很多连接或客户端,但是它们从方案上看是有区别的。
Cluster works as an integrity, a set of servers of a cluster works like one server. So it supports a large number of streams, and each stream supports a lots of connections. For example, a cluster supports 100k streams and 100m viewers, or infinety system capacity.
Proxy works as a agent of SRS Origin server, to proxy streams to a special set of origin servers, and proxy to the same server for a specifical stream. Proxy doesn't extend system capacity for it proxy each UDP or TCP packet, but it helps media server for load balancing.
Proxy is designed to make origin server stateless, to build a cluster from isolated stateless origin servers to a cluster, and can also be a part of a cluster.
Proxy works with SRS Origin servers, the stream flow works like this:
Client ---> LB --> Proxy Servers --> Origin Servers
OBS/FFmpeg --RTMP--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)
Browsers --FLV/HLS/SRT--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)
Browsers --+---HTTP-API--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)
+---WebRTC----> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)
is load balancer, such as K8s service, or cloud load balancer. Generally, LB
binds public internet IP, for clients to connect to.
中文: LB
就是负载均衡,比如K8s Service,或者云服务的负载均衡。一般来说, LB
Proxy is stateless, so you're able to deploy a set of proxy servers, for example, use K8s Deployment to deploy a set of proxies.
中文: Proxy
是无状态服务,所以你可以很方便的部署一系列的Proxy服务器。例如,可以用K8s Deployment部署很多Proxy。
When client request stream from proxy server, it find stream from its infrastructure, and proxy to the specifical origin server, so that each stream is served by a specifical backend server. For the first time, proxy randomly pick one origin server for a fresh stream.
Proxy of Proxies
Edge is actually another type of proxy, but with origin ip configured, but origin pod IP is variant not fixed. While proxy doesn't need to configure the origin IP because it depends on redis or other service discover mechanism, so proxy can also be used for upstream server for edge. In this situation, proxy is like a K8s service of origin servers for edge servers.
中文:其实Edge也是一种Proxy,不过它需要预先配置源站IP地址,但源站Pod的IP总是变化的,并不是固定的IP。由于Proxy使用Redis或其他服务发现机制,所以Proxy并不需要配置源站IP,此时Proxy可以作为Edge的上游服务器,这样就可以避免Edge依赖源站的IP的问题。这种情况下,Proxy实际上被当做了源站的K8s Service使用,Edge回源到这个固定的Service名字。
Client --RTMP--> Edge ---RTMP--> Proxy --RTMP--> Origin
Edge is (K8s Edge Service --RTMP--> K8s Edge Pods)
Proxy is (K8s Proxy Service --RTMP--> K8s Proxy Pods)
Origin is (K8s Origin Pods)
Note: Please note that both edge and proxy is behind K8s service, not only K8s pods, while Origin is a set of K8s pods.
Note: 请注意Edge和Proxy都是部署在K8s service后面的,而不是直接的Pods。而Origin源站则是直接部署的K8s pods。
With this architecture, we're able to support a huge set of streams and viewers, without origin cluster which is stateful and complex. Please note that edge only works for live streaming, such as RTMP/FLV. Other edge also works well, for example, HLS edge cluster works with Proxy, from where NGINX fetch and cache HLS. After WebRTC supports cascading, it also works with proxy.
The limitation of proxy is the number of viewers for a stream, which should never exceed each single server's capacity, becuase proxy always proxy the same stream to the same backend server. For example, SRS support 5k viewers for RTMP/FLV, about 500 viewers for WebRTC, please test the capacity by srs-bench .
中文:Proxy的限制是流的播放的数量,不能超过单个服务器支持的播放数量,这是因为Proxy总是将同一个流代理到同一个服务器。比如SRS支持5k客户端播放RTMP/FLV,或者500客户端播放WebRTC,详细的播放数量的支持请使用 srs-bench 测试。
It's the responsibility of Cluster to support a large set of viewers, such as Edge Cluster for RTMP/FLV, or HLS Cluster for HLS. WebRTC doesn't support cluster now, please read wiki of WebRTC.
中文:支持很多播放客户端,是集群需要支持的功能。比如Edge Cluster支持很多RTMP/FLV客户端,HLS Cluster支持很多HLS客户端。WebRTC目前还没有集群能力,详细请看WebRTC相关的文档。
For most use scenario, Proxy is much simple and useful ability for load balancing, because there're a set of streams to serve but not too much, and there're also a set of viewers for each stream but not too much. For example, building a system for 1k streams and each stream has 1k viewers, the total connections of system is no more than 1m.
Proxy also works with cluster, for example, if you have 1k streams and each stream has 100k FLV viewers, the architecture is like this:
Publisher ---RTMP--> Proxy --> Origin Servers
Origin Server --RTMP--> Proxy --RTMP--> Edge Cluster
Edge Cluster --RTMP--> Players
Keep in mind that proxy is design for Origin server, so there should always be proxy for a origin server, even for edge server to pull stream from. Proxy is another similar solution like origin cluster, but it's much simple and works for all protocols like RTMP/FLV/HLS/WebRTC/SRT, while origin cluster only works for RTMP.
中文:请记住Proxy是为Origin设计的,所以每个Origin都需要通过Proxy提供服务,哪怕是Edge集群回源时也需要通过Proxy。其实Proxy是和Origin Cluster相似的方案,不过Proxy要更简单而且支持所有的协议包括RTMP/FLV/HLS/WebRTC/SRT,而Origin Cluster目前只支持RTMP协议。
Proxy should be written by Go, stable and simple.
It's possible to directly forward IP packets by kernel, to make proxy less CPU.
Proxy is much simpler than cluster, because both proxy and origin server is stateless, which can be deploy by K8s Deployment.
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