kubernetes 【测试失败】:capz-窗口-容器-主

acruukt9  于 2022-10-29  发布在  Kubernetes




  • capz-e2 e.一致性测试一致性-测试
  • ci-kubernetes-e2e-capz-master-containerd-windows.Overall







INFO: Waiting for the cluster infrastructure to be provisioned
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for cluster to enter the provisioned phase
INFO: Waiting for control plane to be initialized
INFO: Waiting for the first control plane machine managed by capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane to be provisioned
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for one control plane node to exist
INFO: Waiting for control plane to be ready
INFO: Waiting for control plane capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane to be ready (implies underlying nodes to be ready as well)
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for the control plane to be ready
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Checking all the the control plane machines are in the expected failure domains
INFO: Waiting for the machine deployments to be provisioned
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for the workload nodes to exist
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Checking all the machines controlled by capz-conf-fpximu-md-0 are in the "<None>" failure domain
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for the workload nodes to exist
[AfterEach] Conformance Tests
Oct 18 21:17:42.787: INFO: FAILED!
Oct 18 21:17:42.787: INFO: Cleaning up after "Conformance Tests conformance-tests" spec
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Dumping logs from the "capz-conf-fpximu" workload cluster
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Dumping workload cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu logs
Oct 18 21:17:42.833: INFO: Collecting logs for Linux node capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv in cluster capz-conf-fpximu in namespace capz-conf-fpximu

Oct 18 21:18:03.949: INFO: Collecting boot logs for AzureMachine capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv

Oct 18 21:18:05.508: INFO: Unable to collect logs as node doesn't have addresses
Oct 18 21:18:05.508: INFO: Collecting logs for Windows node capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-pcw24 in cluster capz-conf-fpximu in namespace capz-conf-fpximu

Oct 18 21:22:25.683: INFO: Attempting to copy file /c:/crashdumps.tar on node capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-pcw24 to /logs/artifacts/clusters/capz-conf-fpximu/machines/capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-dd769fbb4-qmhwk/crashdumps.tar
Oct 18 21:22:26.848: INFO: Collecting boot logs for AzureMachine capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-pcw24

Failed to get logs for machine capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-dd769fbb4-qmhwk, cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu: [dialing from control plane to target node at capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-pcw24: ssh: rejected: connect failed (Temporary failure in name resolution), Unable to collect VM Boot Diagnostic logs: AzureMachine provider ID is nil]
Oct 18 21:22:26.874: INFO: Unable to collect logs as node doesn't have addresses
Oct 18 21:22:26.874: INFO: Collecting logs for Windows node capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-ksttk in cluster capz-conf-fpximu in namespace capz-conf-fpximu

Oct 18 21:26:50.570: INFO: Attempting to copy file /c:/crashdumps.tar on node capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-ksttk to /logs/artifacts/clusters/capz-conf-fpximu/machines/capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-dd769fbb4-sqp47/crashdumps.tar
Oct 18 21:26:52.654: INFO: Collecting boot logs for AzureMachine capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-ksttk

Failed to get logs for machine capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-dd769fbb4-sqp47, cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu: [dialing from control plane to target node at capz-conf-fpximu-md-win-ksttk: ssh: rejected: connect failed (Temporary failure in name resolution), Unable to collect VM Boot Diagnostic logs: AzureMachine provider ID is nil]
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Dumping workload cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu kube-system pod logs
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/calico-kube-controllers-755ff8d7b5-546g7, container calico-kube-controllers
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/kube-apiserver-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/etcd-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/coredns-84994b8c4-dhhk6, container coredns
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/coredns-84994b8c4-w6kkm, container coredns
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/coredns-84994b8c4-dhhk6
�[1mSTEP�[0m: failed to find events of Pod "kube-apiserver-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/kube-controller-manager-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv, container kube-controller-manager
�[1mSTEP�[0m: failed to find events of Pod "etcd-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/coredns-84994b8c4-w6kkm
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/calico-node-2xxwp, container calico-node
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/etcd-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv, container etcd
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/metrics-server-76f7667fbf-s525x
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/kube-apiserver-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv, container kube-apiserver
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/calico-kube-controllers-755ff8d7b5-546g7
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/kube-controller-manager-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/kube-scheduler-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv
�[1mSTEP�[0m: failed to find events of Pod "kube-controller-manager-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/kube-scheduler-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv, container kube-scheduler
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/kube-proxy-xnmjl, container kube-proxy
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/kube-proxy-xnmjl
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating log watcher for controller kube-system/metrics-server-76f7667fbf-s525x, container metrics-server
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Fetching kube-system pod logs took 1.064124867s
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Dumping workload cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu Azure activity log
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Collecting events for Pod kube-system/calico-node-2xxwp
�[1mSTEP�[0m: failed to find events of Pod "kube-scheduler-capz-conf-fpximu-control-plane-pv6kv"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Fetching activity logs took 2.10976783s
Oct 18 21:26:55.853: INFO: Dumping all the Cluster API resources in the "capz-conf-fpximu" namespace
Oct 18 21:26:56.236: INFO: Deleting all clusters in the capz-conf-fpximu namespace
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Deleting cluster capz-conf-fpximu
INFO: Waiting for the Cluster capz-conf-fpximu/capz-conf-fpximu to be deleted
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Waiting for cluster capz-conf-fpximu to be deleted
Oct 18 21:33:36.530: INFO: Deleting namespace used for hosting the "conformance-tests" test spec
INFO: Deleting namespace capz-conf-fpximu
Oct 18 21:33:36.552: INFO: Checking if any resources are left over in Azure for spec "conformance-tests"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Redacting sensitive information from logs

�[91m�[1m• Failure [2768.729 seconds]�[0m
Conformance Tests
  �[91m�[1mconformance-tests [Measurement]�[0m

  �[91mTimed out after 1500.001s.
      <int>: 0
  to equal
      <int>: 2�[0m





cc @kubernetes/ci-信号



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