Multiple echarts in same body

6ju8rftf  于 2022-11-05  发布在  Echarts



Steps to reproduce

I create my own library in which I insert an eCharts chart. Then when I use my library selector in my app, I pass to library the configuration to use as option for myChart.setOption (like tooltip true/false, legend true/false, and so on). If I call multiple times my lib selector in same body then compare only one chart with the option of the last chart that receives the option.
I think its depends on id="main" from eCharts

What is expected?

I would to visualize multiple chart indipendent each ther

What is actually happening?

I visualize only one chart.
Plese not I won't single chart splitted with grid but I would different chart in the same boy



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You need to set different id to dom containers of the charts and make sure they are selected correctly.



Kind on the same here. I am setting up 2 distinct charts with dynamic updating (time xAxis). The dynamic updating works. But the legend labels of the first chart are not the one I defined its own legend option. They are coming from the legend of the second chart.
Do not take into account, my issue is coming from :
