如何在Excel 64位中使用VBA连接到IBM DB2数据源

b1payxdu  于 2022-11-07  发布在  DB2

我的公司计划从32位的MS Office 365迁移到64位的等效版本。这个工具多年来在不同的WinOS上都能完美地工作(XP/7/10,无论是32位还是64位),支持不同的32位MS Office版本(XP,2007,2013和365 Pro)。但是当在MS Office 365 Pro 64位上运行该工具时,我在与数据库的连接上很挣扎(所有其他障碍,例如PtrSafe声明都已解决)。我安装了64位版本的ODBC IBM DB2客户端,并在SysWoW64\ODBCAD中配置了此客户端,连接测试成功返回。目前为止,我认为至少驱动程序是正常的。在VBA中调用以打开连接时,我总是收到以下错误消息:


Option Explicit

Public oDB2Connection As ADODB.Connection
Public zQuery As String
Public zDB2User As String
Public zDB2Pwd As String
Public oRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset

Public iLoginTrials As Integer
Public zTable As String

Sub ConnectDB2()
Dim PS As stPositions
Dim bFirstLogin As Boolean
Dim zStr As String

'//create connection object
Set oDB2Connection = New ADODB.Connection
Set oRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset

On Error GoTo Errorhandler

iLoginTrials = 0
bFirstLogin = False

With oDB2Connection
    While (.State = 0)
        If (.State = 0) Then
            zDB2User = oMainSheet.Range(RANGE_DB_USR).Value
            zDB2Pwd = oMainSheet.Range(RANGE_DB_PWD).Value

            If (AccessLevel < AL_RO) Then
                bFirstLogin = True

                With DlgLogin
                    .LoginReadOnly.Visible = True
                    .LoginPM.Visible = True
                    .LoginAdmin.Visible = True
                    .LoginReadOnly.Value = 1
                    .UserName = USER_RO
                    .Password = "member"

                    .StartUpPosition = 1 'posCenterOwner

                    PS = PositionForm(WhatForm:=DlgCalendar, AnchorRange:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1))
                    .Top = PS.FrmTop   ' set the Top position of the form
                    .Left = PS.FrmLeft ' set the Left position of the form
                    .Show '//RunUserInterface
                End With
            End If
        End If

        .ConnectionString = "Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};" _
            & "Database=<myDB>;" _
            & "Hostname=<myHost>;" _
            & "Port=<myPort>;" _
            & "Protocol=TCPIP;" _
            & "Uid=" & zDB2User & ";" _
            & "Pwd=" & zDB2Pwd & ";"

        '//set cursor location
        .CursorLocation = adUseClient

        '//open database

        zQuery = "SET CURRENT SCHEMA = 'DCODB2'"
        Message zQuery
        .Execute zQuery, , adExecuteNoRecords

        If (.State = 1) Then
            With oMainSheet
                .Unprotect ("*")
                .Range(RANGE_DB_USR).Value = zDB2User
                .Range(RANGE_DB_PWD).Value = zDB2Pwd
                .Protect ("*")
            End With
        End If

        '//in case of failure try again to login
        PP iLoginTrials
        If (iLoginTrials > 3) Then
            zStr = "Access to PM database denied"
            MsgBox zStr
            Message zStr
        End If
    Wend '//.State = 0

    If (.State And bFirstLogin) Then
        ShowDlgDone "Connection to DB2 successfully established", vbModal
        Message "Userlevel: " & zDB2User
    End If
End With '//oDB2Connection

Exit Sub

    zDB2Pwd = ""
    With oMainSheet
        .Unprotect ("*")
        .Range(RANGE_DB_USR).Value = ""
        .Range(RANGE_DB_PWD).Value = zDB2Pwd
        .Protect ("*")
    End With

    MsgBox "Error: " & ERR.Description
    Resume Next
End Sub




我自己发现的!查看注册表中的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers,我看到那里的驱动程序的名称看起来略有不同:“IBM DB2 ODBC驱动程序-IBMDBCL 1”
在我的代码中,我最初写道:“IBM DB2 ODBC驱动程序”
