assembly x86程序集-需要使用冒泡排序对两个给定数组进行排序的程序的帮助

hc8w905p  于 2022-11-13  发布在  其他

我正在编写一个x86汇编程序,该程序利用bubble-sort algorithm detailed in the Irvine Assembly textbook (for x86 systems)对两个给定的数组按升序排序。我的第二个过程搜索每个数组并输出每个数组中的最大值。我知道我忘记了一个跳转命令(sortAscending过程),但我不确定将其放置在何处才能完成所需的工作。当我在VS 2022中构建ASM文件时,收到以下错误:
1〉C:\程序文件(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\构建自定义\masm. targets(50,5):错误MSB 3721:命令“ml. exe/c /nologo /Sg /Zi /Fo“调试\模板.obj”/Fl“项目.lst”/I“C:\irvine”/W3 /错误报告:提示符/TaTemplate. asm”已退出,代码为1。

TITLE Sort Arrays, Version 1  (SortArrays.asm)

; This program sifts through and 
; sorts arrays (in place) in ascending
; order and outputs the greatest value 
; in each array.
; Name: Kasizah
; Date: 10-19-2022


Array1  DWORD 0C0D12AFh, 00030256h, 0FFAABBCCh, 0F700F70h, 00000000h, 0E222111Fh, 0ABCDEF01h, 01234567h
Array2  DWORD 61A80000h, 024F4A37h, 0EC010203h, 0FAEEDDCCh, 2C030175h, 84728371h, 63AA5678h, 0CD454443h, 22222222h, 61B1C2D3h, 7A4E96C2h, 81002346h, 0FDB2726Eh, 65432100h, 0FFFFFFFFh

; message strings
largestUnsignedS BYTE "The largest unsigned value in the array is: ",0
largestUnsignedF BYTE ".",0

main PROC
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array1   ; point to start of Array1
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array1 ; get length of Array1
    call sortAscending       ; sort Array1
    ; display sorted array using DumpMem
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array1   ; starting OFFSET
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array1 ; number of units
    mov  ebx,TYPE Array1     ; doubleword format
    call DumpMem
    ; get greatest value in Array1
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array1   ; point to start of Array1
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array1 ; get length of Array1
    call Crlf                ; skip line
    call getLargest          ; display largest value in Array1
    call Crlf                ; skip line
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array2   ; point to start of Array2
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array2 ; get length of Array2
    call sortAscending       ; sort Array2
    ; display sorted array using DumpMem
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array2   ; starting OFFSET
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array2 ; number of units
    mov  ebx,TYPE Array2     ; doubleword format
    call DumpMem
    ; get greatest value in Array2
    mov  esi,OFFSET Array2   ; point to start of Array2
    mov  ecx,LENGTHOF Array2 ; get length of Array2
    call Crlf                ; skip line
    call getLargest          ; display largest value in Array2
    call Crlf                ; skip line
    exit                     ; exit the program
main ENDP
sortAscending PROC
; Sorts an array of 32-bit signed integers in ascending
;   order using the bubble sort algorithm.
; Receives: pointer to array, array size
; Returns: nothing
    mov  edi,esi            ; duplicate "point to first value" 
                            ; (used to reset ESI)
    dec  ecx                ; decrement ECX (count) by 1
        push ecx                ; save outer loop count
        mov  esi,edi            ; point to first value
            mov  eax,esi            ; get current array value
            cmp  [esi+4],eax        ; compare [ESI] and [ESI+4]
            jg   next               ; if [ESI] <= [ESI+4], no swap
            xchg eax,[esi+4]        ; else swap pair
            mov  [esi],eax
            add  esi,4              ; move both pointers forward
            loop sort               ; inner loop
            pop  ecx                ; retrieve outer loop count
            loop outer_loop         ; else repeat outer loop
sortAscending ENDP
getLargest PROC
; Searches an array for its largest 
;   value.
; Receives: ESI - pointer
; Returns: statement of largest value in array
        mov  eax,[esi]              ; move [ESI] into EAX 
        cmp  [esi+4],eax            ; compare EAX with [ESI+4]
        jg   next                   ; if EAX >= [ESI+4] don't replace
        mov  eax,[esi+4]            ; mov [ESI+4] into EAX
        add  esi,4                  ; move pointer forward
        cmp  ecx,esi                ; make sure that esi isn't at the end of array
        je   quit                   ; jump to quit if at the end of array
        loop sift                   ; else return to sift loop
        mov  ebx,eax                ; move EAX into EBX temporarily
        mov  eax,largestUnsignedF   ; move largestUnsignedF string into EAX
        call WriteString            ; display largestUnsignedF string
        mov  eax,ebx                ; move EBX into EAX
        call WriteInt               ; display EAX
        mov  eax,largestUnsignedS   ; move largestUnsignedS string into EAX
        call WriteString            ; display largestUnsignedS string
getLargest ENDP
END main


mov  eax,esi            ; get current array value


mov  eax, [esi]
  • getLargest* 代码可以简单地获取最后一个数组元素,因为数组是按升序排序的。
mov  eax, [esi + ecx * 4 - 4]

您的 sift 代码有错误:

cmp  ecx,esi                ; make sure that esi isn't at the end of array
    je   quit                   ; jump to quit if at the end of array
    loop sift                   ; else return to sift loop

cmp ecx, esi比较一个计数和一个地址!不能工作!只删除这两行。
如果在开始循环之前预先递减ECX,并且通过mov ebx, [esi]获取结果,则loop指令就足够了.

mov  eax, 80000000h ; Smallest signed dword
 cmp  [esi], eax
 jng  Skip
 mov  eax, [esi]
 add  esi, 4
 dec  ecx
 jnz  More
 mov  ebx, eax        ; The signed maximum
