我想教一个TSR函数(内存驻留),嵌入在int 21 h(MSDOS)显示每次文本,当你启动另一个应用程序(com/exe).“我的文本做显示当一个程序在我之后启动”
User type mkdir
I would to show everytime when DOS start a program my text < from my application
“Sytaxerror” < from MSDOS
This code is resident and (I am very sure) it work. This code is between int 21h from MSDOS and the operation to the secondary function over this function that MSDOS make.
ex: MSDOS (int21h) start a com/exe file > my function code bottom > mirror every command from MSDos > MSDOS normally
My question is only, how I get a text output (I will replace in future with other functions too) before the application started with MSDOS.
MSDOS启动一个COM/EXE〉我的函数bottom/TSR(31 h)〉输出一个文本“我的文本做显示当一个程序启动$”〉这个文本显示在每一个startet com/exe之前。我的代码在底部是INT 21 h之间的主要和次要。
mov dx offset MyText5
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
我希望每次MSDOS启动COM/EXE Ex时显示此文本:用户类型mkdir我会显示每次当DOS启动程序〈从我的应用程序“语法错误”〈MSDOS
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
mov dx offset MyText5 ; I would to show everytime when DOS start a program$”
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
jmp instalar ;Jump to the installation
;We put the original Int21 address in this variable.
old_21 dd 2
;Here's the routine which hooks Int 21.
jmp cs:[old_21] ;Jump to the original int.
;Obtain the original Int 21 Vector
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr old_21, bx
mov word ptr old_21+2, es
;Set the new Int 21 vector.
mov ax,2521h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset new_21
int 21h
;Now it's resident
mov ah, 31h
mov dx, 30d ;<--------- Number of paragraphs(16 bytes)
int 21h ;leave resident.
JMP DataJump
yText5 db "MY Text do Show when a program started$"
code ends
end start
DOS有一个EXEC函数4 Bh,它在另一个程序的控制下执行一个程序。你进入
int 21h
,如果它来了,在链接到原来的int 21h
之前显示相应的消息。有时EXEC操作会失败,然后上面的代码会过早地显示消息!所以一个更好的方法是首先让DOS做这项工作,然后检查进位标志是否成功。代码更复杂,因为DOS函数4 Bh确实会破坏SS:SP沿着除CS:IP之外的所有其他寄存器。