我在RHEL 7上运行Artifactory 7.x。创建远程存储库以缓存NuGet包,Artifactory远程存储库为“https://www.nuget.org/”。
A] > cd /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
B] > vi orgnuget.crt
C] > openssl s_client -showcerts -connect nuget.org:443 >> orgnuget.crt
D] removed unnecessary data from orgnuget.crt and ensured that all 4 keys (0 to 3) with –BEGIN—and –END--
E] copy orgnuget.crt to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/orgnuget.crt
F] > update-ca-trust extract
G] > curl -v https://nuget.org -> Successful
H] > cp orgnuget.crt /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/security/keys/trusted/
I] > sudo chown artifactory:artifactory orgnuget.crt
J] > Restart Linux server
K] In Artifactory, test connection to https://nuget.org from remote repo, successful
要修复上述错误,请在chrome中打开“https://www.nuget.org/”,找到“Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 05”根颁发者,下载.crt并附加到orgnuget.crt,然后重复上述所有步骤A到K,最后在Artifactory到远程存储库的连接测试中出现相同的错误“https://www.nuget.org/”。
请遵循KB Article“How to resolve unable to find valid certificate path to requested target”error” 并下载www.example.com的证书nuget.org,然后将其导入Artifactory的受信任根证书。完成此操作后,您将能够连接Artifactory NuGet存储库。