typescript Prisma查询中类型错误...WhereInput

rqqzpn5f  于 2022-11-18  发布在  TypeScript


Type error: Type '{ activated: true; }' is not assignable to type 'UserWhereInput'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'activated' does not exist in type 'UserWhereInput'.


// ../api/alert.ts

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
import prisma from "../../lib/prisma";

export default async function handler(
  req: NextApiRequest,
  res: NextApiResponse
) {
  if (req.method === "POST") {
    try {
      const { authorization } = req.headers;

      if (authorization === `Bearer ${process.env.API_SECRET_KEY}`) {
        //make sure the service that is calling this API endpoint is authorized

        //get all users that are activated
        const activeUsers = prisma.user.findMany({
          where: { activated: true },              

        // do other stuff

        res.status(200).json({ success: true });
      } else {
        res.status(401).json({ success: false });
    } catch (err) {
      res.status(500).json({ statusCode: 500 });
  } else {
    res.setHeader("Allow", "POST");
    res.status(405).end("Method Not Allowed");


  model User {
  id        String    @id @default(cuid())
  phone     String
  createdAt DateTime  @default(now())
  activated Boolean   @default(false)
  Message   Message[]


import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";

let prisma: PrismaClient;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
  prisma = new PrismaClient();
} else {
  let globalWithPrisma = global as typeof globalThis & {
    prisma: PrismaClient;
  if (!globalWithPrisma.prisma) {
    globalWithPrisma.prisma = new PrismaClient();
  prisma = globalWithPrisma.prisma;

export default prisma;


我必须将prisma generate添加到package.json,如下所示:

"scripts": {
    "vercel-build": "prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build"
