[Feature] How to plot points on map and need an background map for echarts

iih3973s  于 2022-11-19  发布在  Echarts

What problem does this feature solve?

  1. I want to plot points by fetching data from the geoserver response, I was not able to find an example to plot points in echarts geo/map examples, so is there a way to plot point type using echarts?
  2. I need a background map along with the map i'm plotting

I tried using echarts-leaflet.js for the background map, but my echarts USA States map is not exactly rendering on the USA map of leaflet, please find it in the attachment below

What does the proposed API look like?

Plot points as markers and render echarts map above the background map



Currently we haven't support draw map series on a map services like leaflet. Perhaps you can have a try on the projection option provided since 5.3



Hi, I'm currently plotting points using scatter type with my custom symbol using echarts-leaflet
But whenever i zoom in, zoom out and drag on map, i can see there's a delay on map for plotting points. Points are being spread and then sits back on the coordinates which doesn't give a good user experience.
I'm sharing the screenshots below of points getting delayed

  • zoom in

  • zoom out

  • drag
