numpy python中带回调函数的图像卷积

exdqitrt  于 2022-11-24  发布在  Python


def convolve(img, conv_function = lambda subImg: np.mean(subImg)):
  newImage = emptyImage
  for nxn_window in img:
    newImage[center_pixel] = conv_function(nxn_window)
  return newImage


#B is the structuing array or convolution window/kernel
def convolve(func):
  def wrapper(img, B):
    #get dimensions of img
    length, width = len(img), len(img[0])

    #half width and length of dimensions
    hw = (int)((len(B) - 1) / 2)
    hh = (int)((len(B[0]) - 1) / 2)

    #convert to npArray for fast operations
    B = np.array(B)

    #initialize empty return image
    retVal = np.zeros([length, width])

    #start loop over the values where the convolution window has a neighborhood 
    for row in range(hh, length - hh):
        for pixel in range(hw, width - hw):
            #window as subarray of pixels
            window = [arr[pixel-hh:pixel+hh+1]
                           for arr in img[row-hw:row+hw+1]]
            retVal[row][pixel] = func(window, B)

    return retVal
  return wrapper


# dilation
def __add__(img, B):
    return np.mean(np.logical_and(img, B)) > 0

# erosion
def __sub__(img, B):
    return np.mean(np.logical_and(img, B)) == 1





import numpy as np

def convolve2(func):
    def conv(image, kernel):
        """ Apply given filter on an image """
        k = kernel.shape[0]  # which is assumed equal to kernel.shape[1]
        width = k//2  # note that width == 1 for k == 3 but also width == 1 for k == 2
        a = framed(image, width)  # create a frame around an image to compensate for kernel overlap when shifting
        b = np.empty(image.shape + kernel.shape)  # add two more dimensions for each pixel's neighbourhood
        di, dj = image.shape[:2]  # will be used as delta for slicing
        # add the neighbourhood ('kernel size') to each pixel in preparation for the final step 
        # in other words: slide the image along the kernel rather than sliding the kernel along the image
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(k):
                b[..., i, j] = a[i:i+di, j:j+dj]
        # apply the desired function
        return func(b, kernel)
    return conv

def framed(image, width):
    a = np.zeros(np.array(image.shape) + [2 * width, 2 * width])  # only add the frame to the first two dimensions
    a[width:-width, width:-width] = image  # place the image centered inside the frame
    return a


embossing_kernel = np.array([
    [-2, -1, 0],
    [-1, 1, 1],
    [0, 1, 2]

def filter2(img, B):
    return np.sum(img * B, axis=(2,3))

def __add2__(img, B):
    return np.mean(np.logical_and(img, B), axis=(2,3)) > 0

# image_gray is a 2D grayscale image (not color/RGB)
b = filter2(image_gray, embossing_kernel)


def filter(img, B):
    return np.sum(img * B)

def __add__(img, B):
    return np.mean(np.logical_and(img, B)) > 0

b = filter2(image_gray, embossing_kernel)

