unity3d 计算着色器未更新

wa7juj8i  于 2022-11-25  发布在  其他

我有两个文件 (NewComputeShader.compute和ShaderRun.cs).ShaderRun.cs运行着色器并在摄像机上绘制其纹理(脚本是摄像机的组件)
开始时,Unity会在左下角绘制一个白色像素。(Twidth = 256,Thight = 256,Agentsnum = 10)


// Each #kernel tells which function to compile; you can have many kernels
#pragma kernel CSUpdate

// Create a RenderTexture with enableRandomWrite flag and set it
// with cs.SetTexture
RWTexture2D<float4> Result;
uint width = 256;
uint height = 256;
int numAgents = 10;
float moveSpeed = 100;

uint PI = 3.1415926535;
float DeltaTime = 1;

uint hash(uint state) {
    state ^= 2747636419u;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    state ^= state >> 16;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    state ^= state >> 16;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    return state;

uint scaleToRange01(uint state) {
    state /= 4294967295.0;
    return state;

struct Agent {
    float2 position;
    float angle;

RWStructuredBuffer<Agent> agents;

void CSUpdate(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    //if (id.x >= numAgents) { return; }

    Agent agent = agents[id.x];
    uint random = hash(agent.position.y * width + agent.position.x + hash(id.x));

    float2 direction = float2(cos(agent.angle), sin(agent.angle));
    float2 newPos = agent.position + direction * moveSpeed * DeltaTime;

    if (newPos.x < 0 || newPos.x >= width || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.y >= height) {
        newPos.x = min(width - 0.01, max(0, newPos.x));
        newPos.y = min(height - 0.01, max(0, newPos.y));
        agents[id.x].angle = scaleToRange01(random) * 2 * PI;

    agents[id.x].position = newPos;
    Result[int2(newPos.x, newPos.y)] = float4(1,1,1,1);


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ShaderRun : MonoBehaviour

    public ComputeShader computeShader;
    public RenderTexture renderTexture;

    public int twidth;
    public int theight;
    public int agentsnum;

    ComputeBuffer agentsBuffer;

    struct MyAgent
        public Vector2 position;
        public float angle;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        renderTexture = new RenderTexture(twidth, theight, 24);
        renderTexture.enableRandomWrite = true;

        computeShader.SetTexture(0, "Result", renderTexture);

        agentsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(agentsnum, sizeof(float)*3); //make new compute buffer with specified size, and specified "stride"                                                                                                 //stride is like the size of each element, in your case it would be 3 floats, since Vector3 is 3 floats.
        computeShader.SetBuffer(0, "agents", agentsBuffer); //Linking the compute shader and cs shader buffers

        computeShader.Dispatch(0, renderTexture.width / 8, renderTexture.height / 8, 1);

    void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest)
        Graphics.Blit(renderTexture, dest);

    private void ResetAgents()
        MyAgent[] aArray = new MyAgent[agentsnum];

        for (int i=0; i<agentsnum; i++)
            MyAgent a = new MyAgent();
            a.position = new Vector2(128, 128);
            a.angle = 2 * (float)Math.PI * (i / agentsnum);
            aArray[i] = a;

    private void ComputeStepFrame()
        computeShader.SetFloat("DeltaTime", Time.deltaTime);

        int kernelHandle = computeShader.FindKernel("CSUpdate");
        computeShader.SetBuffer(kernelHandle, "agents", agentsBuffer);
        computeShader.Dispatch(0, renderTexture.width / 8, renderTexture.height / 8, 1);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()





int totalSize = (sizeof(float) * 2) + (sizeof(float));
agentBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(agents.Length, totalSize);
computeShader.SetBuffer(0, "agents", agentBuffer);


我也在尝试重新创建它。问题是塞巴斯蒂安遗漏了他的c#代码和一些HLSL,因此很难将不存在的部分组合在一起。昨天我不间断地工作了一整天,终于让它执行了演示2。对我来说最困难的事情是正确地获得线程,让GPU计算我需要的所有项目。我害怕开始线索消散和线索感,但老实说,演示2的感觉很棒,这也是促使我坚持下去的原因。这个项目的每件事都很敏感,不适合普通的程序员。(如果你还没有学习过HLSL的话,也要学习一下。)另外一件事是我没有使用他的随机Angular 发生器,我只是创建了自己的。我知道这没有帮助,但我知道其他人也在试图通过这一点。塞巴斯蒂安是一个天才。



Found this question after so much time. But theme is still interesting. Maybe my answer will help passersby here later. BTW look at this video . Slime is a game life form now!
The problem with the code from original question is ambiguity with what are you going to process with kernel.

void CSUpdate(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    //if (id.x >= numAgents) { return; }

    Agent agent = agents[id.x];

In this kernel you are intended to process 1D array of agents. You need to dispatch this code like this:

    Mathf.CeilToInt(numAgents / (float) xKernelThreadGroupSize), 

And of course you need to correct kernel TGS:

void CSUpdate(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)

For 2D texture you need to keep kernel like

void ProcessTexture(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
//some work

And only then it is okay to dispatch it with second dimension:

    Mathf.CeilToInt(TextureWidth / (float) xKernelThreadGroupSize), 
    Mathf.CeilToInt(TextureHeight / (float) yKernelThreadGroupSize), 

P.S. And there is a link to github repo under video.
