
1l5u6lss  于 2022-11-27  发布在  其他

我还测量了锁定/解锁互斥锁所需的时间。我使用g++ +O3选项编译代码。

#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>

long double store;
std::mutex lock;

using ftype=std::function<long double(long int)>;
using loop_type=std::function<void(long int, long int, ftype)>;

///simple class to time the execution and print result.
struct time_n_print
  time_n_print() : 
    auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;
    auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(elapsed);
    std::cout << "Elapsed(ms)=" << std::setw(7) << ms.count();
    std::cout << "; Result: " << (long int)(store);
  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start;
};//class time_n_print

///do long and pointless calculations which result in 1.0
long double slow(long int i)
    long double pi=3.1415926536;
    long double i_rad  = (long double)(i) * pi / 180;
    long double sin_i  = std::sin(i_rad);
    long double cos_i  = std::cos(i_rad);
    long double sin_sq = sin_i * sin_i;
    long double cos_sq = cos_i * cos_i;
    long double log_sin_sq = std::log(sin_sq);
    long double log_cos_sq = std::log(cos_sq);
    sin_sq = std::exp(log_sin_sq);
    cos_sq = std::exp(log_cos_sq);
    long double sum_sq = sin_sq + cos_sq;
    long double result = std::sqrt(sum_sq);
    return result;

///just return 1
long double fast(long int)
    return 1.0;

///sum everything up with mutex
void loop_guarded(long int a, long int b, ftype increment)
  for(long int i = a; i < b; ++i)
    long double inc = increment(i);
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock);
      store += inc;

///sum everything up without locks
void loop_unguarded(long int a, long int b, ftype increment)
  for(long int i = a; i < b; ++i)
    long double inc = increment(i);
      store += inc;

//run calculations on multiple threads.
void run_calculations(int size, 
                      int nthreads, 
                loop_type loop, 
                    ftype increment)
  store = 0.0;
  std::vector<std::thread> tv;
  long a(0), b(0);
  for(int n = 0; n < nthreads; ++n)
    a = b;
    b = n < nthreads - 1 ? a + size / nthreads : size;
    tv.push_back(std::thread(loop, a, b, increment));
  //Wait, until all threads finish
  for(auto& t : tv)

int main()
  long int size = 10000000;
    std::cout << "\n1 thread  - fast, unguarded : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 1, loop_unguarded, fast);
    std::cout << "\n1 thread  - fast, guarded   : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 1, loop_guarded, fast);
  std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n1 thread  - slow, unguarded : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 1, loop_unguarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n2 threads - slow, unguarded : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 2, loop_unguarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n3 threads - slow, unguarded : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 3, loop_unguarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n4 threads - slow, unguarded : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 4, loop_unguarded, slow);
  std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n1 thread  - slow, guarded   : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 1, loop_guarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n2 threads - slow, guarded   : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 2, loop_guarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n3 threads - slow, guarded   : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 3, loop_guarded, slow);
    std::cout << "\n4 threads - slow, guarded   : ";
    time_n_print t;
    run_calculations(size, 4, loop_guarded, slow);
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;


>1 thread  - fast, unguarded : Elapsed(ms)=  32826; Result: 10000000  
>1 thread  - fast, guarded   : Elapsed(ms)= 172208; Result: 10000000
>1 thread  - slow, unguarded : Elapsed(ms)=2131659; Result: 10000000  
>2 threads - slow, unguarded : Elapsed(ms)=1079671; Result: 9079646  
>3 threads - slow, unguarded : Elapsed(ms)= 739284; Result: 8059758  
>4 threads - slow, unguarded : Elapsed(ms)= 564641; Result: 7137484  
>1 thread  - slow, guarded   : Elapsed(ms)=2198650; Result: 10000000  
>2 threads - slow, guarded   : Elapsed(ms)=1468137; Result: 10000000  
>3 threads - slow, guarded   : Elapsed(ms)=1306659; Result: 10000000  
>4 threads - slow, guarded   : Elapsed(ms)=1549214; Result: 10000000


  • 与增加长双精度值相比,锁定/解锁互斥体实际上花费了相当长的时间;
  • 没有互斥锁,多线程的收益非常好,正如预期的那样。而且,正如预期的那样,由于竞争,我们损失了很多增量;
  • 使用互斥锁时,没有超过2个线程的增益;





锁定contested1互斥锁需要一个系统调用以及涉及以下内容的所有操作:操作系统的上下文切换,这可能会调度一些其他进程,这样当您返回时,所有缓存都将失效等等。这本来就是一个开销相当大的操作。因为您的slow函数并不 * 那么 * 昂贵,从各个方面考虑,互斥锁上似乎存在足够的争用,代码必须相对频繁地转到操作系统,并且这导致显著的性能拖累。
