.net 如何确定路径是否完全限定?

xzabzqsa  于 2022-12-01  发布在  .NET


  • C:文件
  • /文件

我看到了一个名为IsPathFullyQualified的方法,我对此很感兴趣,请参见here,但不幸的是,它似乎在.NET Framework 4.5下无法识别。那么,.NET 4.5是否有等效的方法?




Public Class PathEx
    Public Shared Function IsPathFullyQualified(path As String) As Boolean
        If path Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(path))
        End If

        Return Not IsPartiallyQualified(path)
    End Function

    Private Shared Function IsPartiallyQualified(path As String) As Boolean
        If path.Length < 2 Then
            ' It isn't fixed, it must be relative.  There is no way to specify a fixed
            ' path with one character (or less).
            Return True
        End If

        If IsDirectorySeparator(path.Chars(0)) Then
            ' There is no valid way to specify a relative path with two initial slashes or
            ' \? as ? isn't valid for drive relative paths and \??\ is equivalent to \\?\
            Return Not (path.Chars(1) = "?"c OrElse IsDirectorySeparator(path.Chars(1)))
        End If

        ' The only way to specify a fixed path that doesn't begin with two slashes
        ' is the drive, colon, slash format- i.e. C:\
        Return Not ((path.Length >= 3) AndAlso
                    (path.Chars(1) = IO.Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) AndAlso
                    IsDirectorySeparator(path.Chars(2)) AndAlso
        '           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        ' To match old behavior we'll check the drive character for validity as
        ' the path is technically not qualified if you don't have a valid drive.
        ' "=:\" is the "=" file's default data stream.
    End Function

    Private Shared Function IsDirectorySeparator(c As Char) As Boolean
        Return c = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar OrElse c = Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar
    End Function

    Private Shared Function IsValidDriveChar(value As Char) As Boolean
        Return (value >= "A"c AndAlso value <= "Z"c) OrElse
               (value >= "a"c AndAlso value <= "z"c)
    End Function
End Class


这是从.NET Core Source Browser中提取的,.NET Core Source Browser是公开的,经过调整可以与.NET Framework一起使用,并转换为VB .NET。


Console.WriteLine(PathEx.IsPathFullyQualified("C:Documents"))    ' False
Console.WriteLine(PathEx.IsPathFullyQualified("/Documents"))     ' False
Console.WriteLine(PathEx.IsPathFullyQualified("C:\Documents"))   ' True



Imports System.Reflection

Private Function PathIsFullyQualified(path As String) As (Valid As Boolean, Parsed As String)
    Dim flags = BindingFlags.GetProperty Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic
    Dim uri As Uri = Nothing
    If Uri.TryCreate(path, UriKind.Absolute, uri) Then
        Dim isDosPath = CBool(uri.GetType().GetProperty("IsDosPath", flags).GetValue(uri))
        Return (isDosPath, uri.LocalPath)
    End If
    Return (False, String.Empty)
End Function
  • 这个方法会传回Named Tuple:支持Visual Basic 2017


Dim isOk1 = PathIsFullyQualified("C:Documents")            'False
Dim isOk2 = PathIsFullyQualified("/Documents")             'False
Dim isOk3 = PathIsFullyQualified("file://c:/Documents")    'True  => isOk3.Parsed = "c:\Documents"
Dim isOk4 = PathIsFullyQualified("\\Documents")            'False
Dim isOk5 = PathIsFullyQualified("..\Documents")           'False
Dim isOk6 = PathIsFullyQualified(".\Documents")            'False
Dim isOk7 = PathIsFullyQualified("\Documents")             'False
Dim isOk8 = PathIsFullyQualified("//Documents")            'False
Dim isOk9 = PathIsFullyQualified(".Documents")             'False
Dim isOkA = PathIsFullyQualified("..Documents")            'False
Dim isOkB = PathIsFullyQualified("http://C:/Documents")    'False
Dim isOkC = PathIsFullyQualified("Cd:\Documents")          'False
Dim isOkD = PathIsFullyQualified("1:\Documents")           'False
Dim isOkE = PathIsFullyQualified("Z:\\Another Path//docs") 'True => isOkE.Parsed = "Z:\Another Path\docs"
Dim isOkF = PathIsFullyQualified(":\\Another Path//docs")  'False


我注意到,在第二个链接中,检查IsPathRooted的方法之一是检查以下内容:(length >= 2 && path[1] == VolumeSeparatorChar)。我只是将该检查修改为一个充实的方法。
.Net源代码(链接1)本质上是IsPathFullyQualified => !IsPathRooted,我认为这还不够完善。

public static bool IsPathFullyQualified(string path)
    if (path == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
    return path.Length >= 3 && path[1] == System.IO.Path.VolumeSeparatorChar && ( path[2] == System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar | path[2] == System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar );


public static bool IsPathFullyQualified(string path)
            if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            if (path.Length < 2) return false; //There is no way to specify a fixed path with one character (or less).
            if (path.Length == 2 && IsValidDriveChar(path[0]) && path[1] == System.IO.Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) return true; //Drive Root C:
            if (path.Length >= 3 && IsValidDriveChar(path[0]) &&  path[1] == System.IO.Path.VolumeSeparatorChar && IsDirectorySeperator(path[2])) return true; //Check for standard paths. C:\
            if (path.Length >= 3 && IsDirectorySeperator(path[0]) && IsDirectorySeperator(path[1])) return true; //This is start of a UNC path
            return false; //Default

        private static bool IsDirectorySeperator(char c) => c == System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar | c == System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar;
        private static bool IsValidDriveChar(char c) => c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z';
