I wrote a quick test function to try out Axios, and the response.data object that gets returns is garbled. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong— I've tried Googling around for this to no avail, and all of the Axios tutorials I've found seem to be doing exactly what I'm doing.
Here's the GET request I make:
var axios = require('axios');
const getCatFact = async () => {
const url = "https://catfact.ninja/fact";
const response = await axios.request({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
And here's what the responses look like:
I.b�z"�IR��M����(N3��Y���귴���m�ۤ� ��Xuz���t�uS�y\��5=61������4y
I've tried:
- Loading the URL in Chrome and making the GET request via Postman to validate that the API itself is not the problem.
- Testing with a different API ( https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1 ), which has the same issue.
I'm expecting the snippet above to return a response that looks something like this:
{"fact":"Julius Ceasar, Henri II, Charles XI, and Napoleon were all afraid of cats.","length":74}
您需要在axios get头中添加带有“application/json”的