linq 计算TimeSeries滑动窗口的最大值

up9lanfz  于 2022-12-06  发布在  其他


public class MyObject
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }


public static MyObject[] GetTestObjects()
    var rnd = new Random();
    var date = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    var result = new List<MyObject>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
        //this is to simulate real data having gaps
        if (rnd.Next(100) < 25)
        var myObject = new MyObject()
            Value = rnd.NextDouble(),
            Date = date.AddMinutes(15 * i)
    return result.ToArray();


public MyObject[] BruteForceBackward(MyObject[] testData)
            return testData.AsParallel().Select(point =>
                var max = testData.Where(x => x.Date <= point.Date && x.Date >= point.Date.AddYears(-1)).Max(x => x.Value);
                return new MyObject() { Date = point.Date, Value = point.Value / max };
            }).OrderBy(r => r.Date).ToArray();






public static MyObject[] FlowThroughForward(ref MyObject[] testData)
    // generate return array
    MyObject[] returnData = new MyObject[testData.Length];
    // keep track to minimize processing
    double currentMaximum = 0;
    List<MyObject> maximumValues = new List<MyObject>();
    // go through the elements
    for (int i = 0; i < testData.Length; i++)
        // calculate the oldest date to keep in tracking list
        DateTime targetDate = testData[i].Date.AddYears(-1);
        // maximum logic
        if (testData[i].Value >= currentMaximum)
            // new maximum found, clear tracking list
            // this is the best case scenario
            currentMaximum = testData[i].Value;
            // unfortunately, no new maximum was found
            // go backwards the maximum tracking list and check for smaller values
            // clear the list of all smaller values. The list should therefore always
            // be in descending order
            for (int b = maximumValues.Count - 1; b >= 0; b--)
                if (maximumValues[b].Value <= testData[i].Value)
                    // a lower value has been found. We have a newer, higher value
                    // clear this waste value from the tracking list
                    // there are no more lower values. 
                    // stop looking for smaller values to save time
        // append new value to tracking list, no matter if higher or lower
        // all future values might be lower
        // check if the oldest value is too old to be kept in the tracking list
        while (maximumValues[0].Date < targetDate)
            // oldest value is to be removed
            // update maximum
            currentMaximum = maximumValues[0].Value;
        // add object to result list
        returnData[i] = new MyObject() { Date = testData[i].Date, Value = testData[i].Value / currentMaximum }; ;
    return returnData;



static void Main(string[] args)
    int length = 50000;
    Stopwatch stopWatch1 = new Stopwatch();
    var myObject = new MyObject();
    var result = new List<MyObject>();
    var date = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        //this is to simulate real data having gaps
        if (rnd.Next(100) < 25)
        myObject.Value = rnd.NextDouble();
        myObject.Date = date.AddMinutes(15 * i);
        result.Add(CalculateNextObject(ref myObject));
    Console.WriteLine("test code executed in " + stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

private static Random rnd = new Random();
private static double currentMaximum = 0;
private static List<MyObject> maximumValues = new List<MyObject>();
public static MyObject CalculateNextObject(ref MyObject input)
        // calculate the oldest date to keep in tracking list
        DateTime targetDate = input.Date.AddYears(-1);
        // maximum logic
        if (input.Value >= currentMaximum)
            // new maximum found, clear tracking list
            // this is the best case scenario
            currentMaximum = input.Value;
            // unfortunately, no new maximum was found
            // go backwards the maximum tracking list and check for smaller values
            // clear the list of all smaller values. The list should therefore always
            // be in descending order
            for (int b = maximumValues.Count - 1; b >= 0; b--)
                if (maximumValues[b].Value <= input.Value)
                    // a lower value has been found. We have a newer, higher value
                    // clear this waste value from the tracking list
                    // there are no more lower values. 
                    // stop looking for smaller values to save time
        // append new value to tracking list, no matter if higher or lower
        // all future values might be lower
        // check if the oldest value is too old to be kept in the tracking list
        while (maximumValues[0].Date < targetDate)
            // oldest value is to be removed
            // update maximum
            currentMaximum = maximumValues[0].Value;
    // add object to result list
    MyObject returnData = new MyObject() { Date = input.Date, Value = input.Value / currentMaximum };
    return returnData;


static void Main(string[] args)
    MyObject[] testData = GetTestObjects();
    Stopwatch stopWatch1 = new Stopwatch();
    Stopwatch stopWatch2 = new Stopwatch();
    MyObject[] testresults1 = BruteForceBackward(testData);
    Console.WriteLine("BruteForceBackward executed in " + stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
    MyObject[] testresults2 = FlowThroughForward(ref testData);
    Console.WriteLine("FlowThroughForward executed in " + stopWatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
    Console.WriteLine("Comparing some random test results: ");
    var rnd = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        int index = rnd.Next(0, testData.Length);
        Console.WriteLine("Index: " + index + " brute: " + testresults1[index].Value + " flow: " + testresults2[index].Value);


| 功能说明|函数时间|时间百分比|
| - -|- -|- -|
| 蛮力后退|5334毫秒|九十九点九|
| 前向流通量|5毫秒|百分之零点零九四|

BruteForceBackward executed in 5264 ms
FlowThroughForward executed in 5 ms

Comparing some random test results:
Index: 25291 brute: 0.989688139105413 flow: 0.989688139105413
Index: 11945 brute: 0.59670821976193 flow: 0.59670821976193
Index: 30282 brute: 0.413238225210297 flow: 0.413238225210297
Index: 33898 brute: 0.38258761939139 flow: 0.38258761939139
Index: 8824 brute: 0.833512217105447 flow: 0.833512217105447
Index: 22092 brute: 0.648052464067263 flow: 0.648052464067263
Index: 24633 brute: 0.35859417692481 flow: 0.35859417692481
Index: 24061 brute: 0.540642018793402 flow: 0.540642018793402
Index: 34219 brute: 0.498785766613022 flow: 0.498785766613022
Index: 2396 brute: 0.151471808392111 flow: 0.151471808392111

由于并行化的原因,在Brutefforce上CPU使用率向后高得多。x1c 0d1x



它没有julian bechtold的FlowThroughForward方法那么快,但随机访问范围可能是一个优点。

    Stopwatch stopWatch3 = new Stopwatch();
    MyObject[] testresults3 = RangeTreeCalculation(ref testData, 10);
    Console.WriteLine($"RangeTreeCalculation executed in {stopWatch3.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

    ... test comparison
    Console.WriteLine($"Index: {index} brute: {testresults1[index].Value} flow: {testresults2[index].Value} rangeTree: {testresults3[index].Value}");


public static MyObject[] RangeTreeCalculation(ref MyObject[] testDataArray, int partitionThreshold)
    // For this implementation, we need to convert the Array to an ArrayList, because we need a
    // reference type object that can be shared.
    List<MyObject> testDataList = testDataArray.ToList();

    // Construct a tree containing recursive collections of pre-calculated values
    var rangeTree = new RangeTree(testDataList, partitionThreshold);

    MyObject[] result = new MyObject[testDataList.Count];
    Parallel.ForEach(testDataList, (item, state, i) =>
            var max = rangeTree.MaxForDateRange(item.Date.AddYears(-1), item.Date);
            result[i] = new MyObject() { Date = item.Date, Value = item.Value / max };

    return result;


// Class used to divide and conquer using dynamic programming.
public class RangeTree
    public List<MyObject> Data; // This reference is shared by all members of the tree
    public int Start { get; } // Index of first element covered by this node.
    public int Count { get; } // Number of elements covered by this node.
    public DateTime FirstDateTime { get; }
    public DateTime LastDateTime { get; }
    public double MaxValue { get; }  // Pre-calculated max for all elements covered by this node.
    List<RangeTree> ChildRanges { get; }

    // Top level node constructor
    public RangeTree(List<MyObject> data, int partitionThreshold)
        : this(data, 0, data.Count, partitionThreshold)
    // Child node constructor, which covers an recursively decreasing range of element.
    public RangeTree(List<MyObject> data, int start, int count, int partitionThreshold)
        Data = data;
        Start = start;
        Count = count;
        FirstDateTime = Data[Start].Date;
        LastDateTime = Data[Start + Count - 1].Date;
        if (count <= partitionThreshold)
            // If the range is smaller than the threshold, just calculate the local max
            // directly from the items. No child ranges are defined.
            MaxValue = Enumerable.Range(Start, Count).Select(i => Data[i].Value).Max();
            // We still have a significant range. Decide how to further divide them up into sub-ranges.
            // (There may be room for improvement here to better balance the tree.)
            int partitionSize = (count - 1) / partitionThreshold + 1;
            int partitionCount = (count - 1) / partitionSize + 1;
            if (count < partitionThreshold * partitionThreshold)
                // When one away from leaf nodes, prefer fewer full leaf nodes over more
                // less populated leaf nodes.
                partitionCount = (count - 1) / partitionThreshold + 1;
                partitionSize = (count - 1) / partitionCount + 1;

            ChildRanges = Enumerable.Range(0, partitionCount)
                .Select(partitionNum => new {
                        ChildStart = Start + partitionNum * partitionSize,
                        ChildCount = Math.Min(partitionSize, Count - partitionNum * partitionSize)
                .Where(part => part.ChildCount > 0) // Defensive
                .Select(part => new RangeTree(Data, part.ChildStart, part.ChildCount, partitionThreshold))

            // Now is the dynamic programming part:
            // Calculate the local max as the max of all child max values.
            MaxValue = ChildRanges.Max(chile => chile.MaxValue);

    // Get the max value for a given range of dates withing this rangeTree node.
    // This used the precalculated values as much as possible.
    // Only at the fringes of the date range to we calculate at the element level.
    public double MaxForDateRange(DateTime fromDate, DateTime thruDate)
        double calculatedMax = Double.MinValue;
        if (fromDate > this.LastDateTime || thruDate < this.FirstDateTime)
            // Entire range is excluded. Nothing of interest here folks.
            calculatedMax = Double.MinValue;
        else if (fromDate <= this.FirstDateTime && thruDate >= this.LastDateTime)
            // Entire range is included. Use the already-calculated max.
            calculatedMax = this.MaxValue;
        else if (ChildRanges != null)
            // We have child ranges. Recurse and accumulate.
            // Possible optimization: Calculate max for middle ranges first, and only bother
            // with extreme partial ranges if their local max values exceed the preliminary result.
            for (int i = 0; i < ChildRanges.Count; ++i)
                double childMax = ChildRanges[i].MaxForDateRange(fromDate, thruDate);
                if (childMax > calculatedMax)
                    calculatedMax = childMax;
            // Leaf range. Loop through just this limited range of notes, checking individually for
            // date in range and accumulating the result.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; ++i)
                var element = Data[this.Start + i];
                if (fromDate <= element.Date && element.Date <= thruDate && element.Value > calculatedMax)
                    calculatedMax = element.Value;

        return calculatedMax;




Assuming you meant you need the maximum Value for each of the last 12 months from result , then you can use LINQ:

var beginDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-12);
var ans = result.Where(r => r.Date >= beginDateTime).GroupBy(r => r.Date.Month).Select(mg => mg.MaxBy(r => r.Value)).ToList();

Running some timing, I get that putting AsParallel after result changes the run time from around 16ms (first run) to around 32ms, so it is actually slower. It is about the same after the Where and about 23ms after the GroupBy (processing the 12 groups in parallel). On my PC at least, there isn't enough data or complex operations for parallelism, but the GroupBy isn't the most efficient.
Using an array and testing each element, I get the results in about 1.2ms:

var maxMOs = new MyObject[12];
foreach (var r in result.Where(r => r.Date >= beginDateTime)) {
    var monthIndex = r.Date.Month-1;
    if (maxMOs[monthIndex] == null || r.Value > maxMOs[monthIndex].Value)
        maxMOs[monthIndex] = r;

Note that the results are not chronological; you could offset monthIndex by today's month to order the results if desired.

var maxMOs = new MyObject[12];
var offset = DateTime.Now.Month-11;
foreach (var r in result.Where(r => r.Date >= beginDateTime)) {
    var monthIndex = r.Date.Month-offset;
    if (maxMOs[monthIndex] == null || r.Value > maxMOs[monthIndex].Value)
        maxMOs[monthIndex] = r;

A micro-optimization (mostly useful on repeat runnings) is to invert the test and use the null-propagating operator:

if (!(r.Value <= maxMOs[monthIndex]?.Value))

This saves about 0.2ms on the first run but up to 0.5ms on subsequent runs.



这是一个类似于julian bechtold的解决方案。不同之处在于最大值(以及所有相关变量)被隐藏在主实现之外,在一个单独的类中,其目的仅仅是跟踪过去一年的最大值。算法是相同的,我只是在这里和那里使用了一些Linq表达式。

public class MaxSlidingWindow
            private readonly List<MyObject> _maximumValues;
            private double _max;

            public MaxSlidingWindow()
                _maximumValues = new List<MyObject>();
                _max = double.NegativeInfinity;

            public double Max => _max;
            public void Add(MyObject myObject)
                if (myObject.Value >= _max)
                    _max = myObject.Value;


                _max = _maximumValues[0].Value;

            private void RemoveObservationsBefore(DateTime targetDate)
                var toRemoveFromFront = 0;
                while (_maximumValues[toRemoveFromFront].Date < targetDate && toRemoveFromFront <= maximumValues3.Count -1)

                _maximumValues.RemoveRange(0, toRemoveFromFront);

            private void RemoveValuesSmallerThan(double targetValue)
                var maxEntry = _maximumValues.Count - 1;
                var toRemoveFromBack = 0;
                while (toRemoveFromBack <= maxEntry && _maximumValues[maxEntry - toRemoveFromBack].Value <= targetValue)

                _maximumValues.RemoveRange(maxEntry - toRemoveFromBack + 1, toRemoveFromBack);


public static MyObject[] GetTestObjects_MaxSlidingWindow()
            var rnd = new Random();
            var date = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            var result = new List<MyObject>();
            var maxSlidingWindow = new MaxSlidingWindow();
            for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
                //this is to simulate real data having gaps
                if (rnd.Next(100) < 25)
                var myObject = new MyObject()
                    Value = rnd.NextDouble(),
                    Date = date.AddMinutes(15 * i)
                var max = maxSlidingWindow.Max;
                result.Add(new MyObject { Date = myObject.Date, Value = myObject.Value / max });
            return result.ToArray();

Relative timings
