
kadbb459  于 2022-12-07  发布在  其他

I have a (hopefully) simple question (I don’t have found an answer, that fit’s by all of my searches).
I work with Xamarin.Forms 1.4.1-Pre-1. In my app, I have:

byte[] AvatarErfassung; // Bytearray, to later update the webservice
var Avatar = new Image { HeightRequest = 71, WidthRequest = 61, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start };
Avatar.Source = "SymbolMann.jpg";

where the image "SymbolMann.jpg” is included as project-resource (in each project) and showed on a page (without problems).
I now want to put the image in a byte-array to send it to our webservice. I don't have found any way to access the image "SymbolMann.jpg" (to load it in a byte-array) or to use (however) the Avatar.Source therefore.

How to get the image “SymbolMann.jpg” into the byte-array “AvatarErfassung” ?
Thanks for every answer

Hi Dimitris
Thanks for your (fast) replay.
As I wrote, I work with Xamarin.Forms.
The images are stored as resources: in \Resources\Drawable\ (for Android), \Resources\ (for iOS) and in the root (for WP). I have to load the image on a content-page.
If I overtake your code, to the line:

var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

I have the error-message (translated to English):
“System.Type don’t contain a definition for GetTypeInfo method (is a using missing?)”

Do I have to add a specific using?

You write: // you can replace "this.GetType()" with "typeof(MyType)", where MyType is any type in your assembly.

What do I have to place as type?
= typeof(????).GetTypeInfo().Assembly:
Thanks for a further reply.

Update #2:
Firts, thanks for your patience…
Unfortunately in VS2013, I don’t find any function “resolve” that shows me the missing using - but I have find out the missing using my self :-)
In the meantime I have added using System.Reflection;
Now, the line: var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
is resolved and compiled without error
Further, I have changed the type of the .jpg from “Android Resource” to “Embedded Ressource”.
The App then crashes in the line: long length = s.Length; as it seems that s is null (I think the jpg is not found)
Further - if I change the type to “Embedded Ressource” - the image is not found any more by Xamarin.Forms (Avatar.Source = "SymbolMann.jpg";)
If I change the type of the .jpg to “Compile” I can’t compile the app.
Error-message: A namespace can’t contain directly members like fields or methods.

So… what is the correct type to the resource (so that it can be loaded with assembly.GetManifestResourceStream()?
Do I have to add something to the filename (SymbolMann.jpg) so that it will be found?
How do I have to change Avatar.Source = "SymbolMann.jpg" so that it is found (if I change the type from “Android Resource” to anything else)?

Once again my needs:
On a registration-page, default-images (symbols) are showed as avatar for man and woman in a standard-Xamarin.Forms image (avatar.source = “SymbolMann.jpg” / “SymbolFrau.jpg”).
The .jpg’s are stored in the standard-directories for each project (Android, iOS and WP) where the are accessible without problems from the image-object.
The user then can take one of the default-images or load another one over mediapicker.
If the user the tap the button “Register”, I have to create a byte-array from the Image to send it via json to our webservice.
If the user select another image via mediapicker, I have access to the stream, the problem is, to become a byte-array from the default-images (in every platform).
Once again thanks for your help...



You can easily do this, by reading the resource stream from the assembly:

var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly; // you can replace "this.GetType()" with "typeof(MyType)", where MyType is any type in your assembly.
byte[] buffer;
using (Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SymbolMann.jpg"))
    long length = s.Length;
    buffer = new byte[length];
    s.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);
// Do something with buffer

To get the assembly that holds the embedded resources of your project you need to call the GetTypeInfo method on a type included in that assembly. Hence, typeof(X) , where "X" is any type in your assembly. For example, if you are using a custom page called MyCustomPage :

public class MyCustomPage : ContentPage {}

... this is what you would pass: typeof(MyCustomPage)
You need any instance of type Type (this is what the typeof keyword returns basically). The alternative is to call the GetType() method on any object that is included in your project.
Note that you will not be able to get the correct assembly if you call typeof(X) on a type that is not included in your project. Eg. calling typeof(ContentPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly , would return the assembly that the ContentPage type resides in. Which is not the one that includes your resources. I hope this is not confusing. If it is, please let me know.
Now, the GetTypeInfo method is an extension method included in the System.Reflection namespace. When the text editor in Xamarin Studio does not recognize something, it highlights it with red. Right-clicking on that will give you a Resolve option in the context menu:

If the type or method can be resolved, it will show that option.
More on images in Xamarin Forms here .



Thanks @FredWenger and @Dimitris - here's my solution based on both your answers:

  1. Add your image to the Xamarin Forms (Portable) project wherever you like. I just went for the root: MyProject\DaffyDuck.jpg
  2. Mark the image as an Embedded Resource (file properties -> build action)
  3. Call the function referencing the Embedded Resource like this: ImageDataFromResource("MyProject.DaffyDuck.jpg")
    Notice that you need to include the project name to get the assembly name *.
  4. This is the function:
public byte[] ImageDataFromResource(string r)
    // Ensure "this" is an object that is part of your implementation within your Xamarin forms project
    var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly; 
    byte[] buffer = null;

    using (System.IO.Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r))
        if (s != null)
            long length = s.Length;
            buffer = new byte[length];
            s.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);

    return buffer;
  1. If you need to reference the loaded data in an ImageView control do it thus:
    ImageView.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(imageData));
  • NB: If step 3 doesn't work and you want to check your embedded resource names call this: var names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); and see what is listed in your project.


    • 首先,非常感谢Dimitris,他引导我走上了正确的方向!**
    • 结论:**
    • 基地:**

我使用VS2013-update 2,Xamarin.Forms(1.4.1-Pre1),我的应用程序基于模板**"空白应用程序(Xamarin.Forms共享)"(非PCL),我使用所有平台(Android,iOS,WP)。

    • 问题:**


    • 解决方案:**

然后,我将资源类型更改为映像,例如从"AndroidResource"更改为**"Embedded Resource"**(对于所有平台,类型相同)。

string cNameSpace = "";
switch (Device.OS)
  case TargetPlatform.WinPhone:
    cNameSpace = "MatrixGuide.WinPhone";
  case TargetPlatform.iOS:
    cNameSpace = "MatrixGuide.iOS";
  case TargetPlatform.Android:
    cNameSpace = "MatrixGuide.Droid";
GV.cEmbeddedAblage = cNameSpace + ".Embedded.";

为了 checkout 命名空间名称,我必须右键单击每个平台的项目,然后查看已确定的命名空间名称(在您的项目中可能会有所不同)。

string cFilename = "";
if (GV.ByteSymbolMann == null) // not yet loaded
  cFilename = GV.cEmbeddedAblage + "SymbolMann.jpg";
  var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly; 
  byte[] buffer;
  using (Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(cFilename))
     long length = s.Length;
     buffer = new byte[length];
     s.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);
     GV.ByteSymbolMann = buffer; // Overtake byte-array in global variable for male
if (GV.ByteSymbolFrau == null) // not yet loaded
  cFilename = GV.cEmbeddedAblage + "SymbolFrau.jpg";
  var assembly = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly; 
  byte[] buffer;
  using (Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(cFilename))
     long length = s.Length;
     buffer = new byte[length];
     s.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);
     GV.ByteSymbolFrau = buffer; // Overtake byte-array in global variable for female

将. jpg加载到image-object中的代码,我不得不从以下代码进行更改:

//Avatar.Source = "SymbolMann.jpg";  // Load from default directory

Avatar.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(GV.ByteSymbolMann)); // Load (stream) from byte-array


AvatarErfassung = GV.ByteSymbolMann;


Avatar.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(GV.ByteSymbolFrau)); 
AvatarErfassung = GV.ByteSymbolFrau;


    • 此解决方案适用于所有平台(Android、iOS、WP)。**
    • 我希望这可以帮助一些其他用户...**




Adding on to noelicus's answer :


  1. Add your image to the root folder of the Xamarin.Forms project, e.g. MyProject\pizza.png
  2. In Visual Studio, right-click on the image file and select Build Action -> EmbeddedResource


public byte[] GetImageFromFile(string fileName)
    var applicationTypeInfo = Application.Current.GetType().GetTypeInfo();

    byte[] buffer;
    using (var stream = applicationTypeInfo.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($"{applicationTypeInfo.Namespace}.fileName"))
        if (stream != null)
            long length = stream.Length;
            buffer = new byte[length];
            stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);

    return buffer;


public class MyPage() : ContentPage
    public MyPage()
        var imageAsByteArray = GetImageFromFile("pizza.png");

        var pizzaImage = new Image();
        pizzaImage.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(imageAsByteArray));

        Content = pizzaImage;

    byte[] GetImageFromFile(string fileName)
         var applicationTypeInfo = Application.Current.GetType().GetTypeInfo();

        byte[] buffer;
        using (var stream = applicationTypeInfo.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($"{applicationTypeInfo.Namespace}.{fileName}"))
            if (stream != null)
                long length = stream.Length;
                buffer = new byte[length];
                stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)length);

        return buffer;



using (var stream = await ImageService.Instance.LoadCompiledResource("resource_image.png").AsPNGStreamAsync())
    localBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(stream);

当然,你必须安装FFimageLoading Nuget,但你会很高兴你这样做了。



1.然后打印<b><i>var names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()</i></b>数组,它将是一个字符串数组,可以使用

foreach(var data in names){Debug.WriteLine(data);}


Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("resource_name_you_found.format")
