Bootstrap 如何在单独的HTML页面上创建一个页眉和页脚,然后在每个后续页面上显示?

ssm49v7z  于 2022-12-07  发布在  Bootstrap

At a beginner level I am trying to make a frontend page that has a header and a footer on all pages. Each page can have an identical header and footer. In the header, I'd like to add a Bootstrap navbar (or similar) and in the footer, something similar. But rather than just copying that header and footer to each page I'd like to just make that a separate thing and insert it into each page when it loads. This way if I update the header or footer it updates on all pages.
In the past, I have done this with Python, but I am only using frontend for this project and I am only going to publish on GitHub (it's mostly for my own purposes).
I am using Visual Studio Code as my editor if this makes it any easier.
I will have CSS and JS folders too (if this makes any difference).

**Update Edit:

I have tried to do this, but I am missing something here.
This is what I attempted (after a quick Google search now I know what I am after):

<!--JQuery CDN-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Include Content-->
        $(function () {
        var includes = $('[data-include]')
        $.each(includes, function () {
        var file = 'views/' + $(this).data('include') + '.html'

        <div data-include="header"></div>

It has been a while since I have done this, so I am rusty, but this doesn't seem to be working for some strange reason.






