Ionic 6和Angular导航至历史上已存在的路线

ttygqcqt  于 2022-12-08  发布在  Ionic

I am using Ionic 6 and Angular 12 and I have couple pages in the app flow. I wen to page_4 and when I checked my DOM structure it looks like:


After page_4 I want to navigate to new page_2 and send some data via state object:

this.router.navigateByUrl('/page_2', { state: {dataHasChanged: true} });

I expected:

  1. Ionic will create again new <page_2></page_2> tag into DOM bellow <page_4></page_4>
  2. I can retrieve state data like I usually do:

But result is different:

  1. App back to the previous <page_2></page_2> and my DOM structure looks like:
  1. this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras is null and cannot see my data here. But I can see state data into windows.history.state object
    Can someone please explain me why this happened or at least refer me to some valuable documentation ?


If you enter a page that has already been loaded, it will not load again, or at least, not always. You can celar or update the content of the page inside ionViewWillEnter .
check this
add it in your page.ts

ionViewWillEnter() {

To solve the problem of navigation extras empty you can share data with a Service like this. It's not the cleanest way but it works

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class DataShareService {

  private __dataDict = {};

  setData(key: string, data: any) {
    this.__dataDict[key] = data;
  getData(key: string) {
    return this.__dataDict[key];

