I am following the following grafana documentation on loki. I am unable to properly connect to my k8s clusters loki logs after installing loki, promtail, and grafana via helm charts. When I enter the http: url in Add datasources within the Grafana GUI and proceed to save & test, grafana is unable to connect to loki.
My helm commands are:
helm upgrade --install --namespace=monitoring promtail grafana/promtail --set "loki.serviceName=loki"
helm upgrade --install loki --namespace=monitoring grafana/loki-distributed
helm install --namespace=monitoring loki-grafana grafana/grafana
Now I mainly am having trouble with this step and the syntax and how to debug the process: "using the URL http://helm-installation-name-gateway.namespace.svc.cluster.local/ for Loki (with and replaced by the installation and namespace, respectively, of your deployment)."
I have tried all of the following URLs with no luck, any guidance would be very appreciated!
Unable to fetch labels from Loki (Failed to call resource), please check the server logs for more details