I have this long query, where I want to fetch some data about employees:
SELECT e.id,
to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYYY','nls_calendar=''arabic hijrah''') HIJRI,
ba.acc_number "Account Number"
to_char(c.id) "National ID",
relationships r,
rel_actions ra,
actions a,
payrolls p,
emp_names en,
citizenships c,
pay_methods pm,
bank_accounts ba,
assignments as,
emp e
WHERE r.id = ra.id
AND r.id=pm.id
AND as.id = e.id
AND r.id = e.id
AND en.id = e.id
AND a.action_type = 'T'
AND a.id = ra.id
AND a.id = p.id
and c.id = e.id
and ba.id=pm.id
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN ba.start_date AND ba.end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN p.effective_start_date AND p.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN r.start_date AND r.end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN en.effective_start_date AND en.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN e.effective_start_date AND e.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN pm.effective_start_date AND pm.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN as.effective_start_date AND as.effective_end_date
AND as.assignment_type = 'E'
AND SYSDATE BETWEEN as.effective_start_date AND as.effective_end_date
ORDER BY e.emp_number
the result of this query will be something like this :
emp_number account_number name national_id gregorian hijri
1 6456 john ^*&$^**$^** 6/12/2022 12/5/1444
1 6456 john ^*&$^**$^** 6/12/2022 12/5/1444
2 4121 Mathew %&#%^%&%&%^ 6/12/2022 12/5/1444
2 4121 Mathew %&#%^%&%&%^ 6/12/2022 12/5/1444
taking the first 2 rows for example, they have different effective_date
, so I want to fetch the row that have the newest effective_date
and a.effective_date in (
select effective_Date from pay_payroll_actions
where a.effective_date BETWEEN ba.start_date AND ba.end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN p.effective_start_date AND p.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN r.start_date AND r.end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN en.effective_start_date AND en.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN e.effective_start_date AND e.effective_end_date
AND a.effective_date BETWEEN pm.effective_start_date AND pm.effective_end_date
AND a.action_type = 'T'
AND a.id = ra.id
AND a.id = p.id
GROUP BY e.id, e.emp_number,
to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYYY','nls_calendar=''arabic hijrah'''),
ba.acc_number ,
my question is, do I really need to apply all related conditions in the sub-query in order to get the same effective dates resulted from the main query? and if yes, its too long, is there a way to shorten this? thanks in advance
You can filter the duplicate rows using
row_number ()
OR Since you are already checking the dates between condition in your main query ,you can refine your sub query to