pytorch 优化高斯热图生成

jaxagkaj  于 2022-12-13  发布在  其他

我有一组68个关键点(size [68,2]),我将它们Map到高斯热图上。

def generate_gaussian(t, x, y, sigma=10):

    Generates a 2D Gaussian point at location x,y in tensor t.
    x should be in range (-1, 1).
    sigma is the standard deviation of the generated 2D Gaussian.
    h,w = t.shape

    # Heatmap pixel per output pixel
    mu_x = int(0.5 * (x + 1.) * w)
    mu_y = int(0.5 * (y + 1.) * h)

    tmp_size = sigma * 3

    # Top-left
    x1,y1 = int(mu_x - tmp_size), int(mu_y - tmp_size)

    # Bottom right
    x2, y2 = int(mu_x + tmp_size + 1), int(mu_y + tmp_size + 1)
    if x1 >= w or y1 >= h or x2 < 0 or y2 < 0:
        return t

    size = 2 * tmp_size + 1
    tx = np.arange(0, size, 1, np.float32)
    ty = tx[:, np.newaxis]
    x0 = y0 = size // 2

    # The gaussian is not normalized, we want the center value to equal 1
    g = torch.tensor(np.exp(- ((tx - x0) ** 2 + (ty - y0) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)))

    # Determine the bounds of the source gaussian
    g_x_min, g_x_max = max(0, -x1), min(x2, w) - x1
    g_y_min, g_y_max = max(0, -y1), min(y2, h) - y1

    # Image range
    img_x_min, img_x_max = max(0, x1), min(x2, w)
    img_y_min, img_y_max = max(0, y1), min(y2, h)

    t[img_y_min:img_y_max, img_x_min:img_x_max] = \
      g[g_y_min:g_y_max, g_x_min:g_x_max]

    return t

def rescale(a, img_size):
    # scale tensor to [-1, 1]
    return 2 * a / img_size[0] - 1


x_k1 = [generate_gaussian(torch.zeros(H, W), x, y) for x, y in rescale(kp1.numpy(), frame.shape)]
x_k1 = torch.stack(x_k1, dim=0)

我尝试了Cris Luengo的建议来计算一维高斯:

def generate_gaussian1D(t, x, y, sigma=10):
    h,w = t.shape

    # Heatmap pixel per output pixel
    mu_x = int(0.5 * (x + 1.) * w)
    mu_y = int(0.5 * (y + 1.) * h)

    tmp_size = sigma * 3

    # Top-left
    x1, y1 = int(mu_x - tmp_size), int(mu_y - tmp_size)

    # Bottom right
    x2, y2 = int(mu_x + tmp_size + 1), int(mu_y + tmp_size + 1)
    if x1 >= w or y1 >= h or x2 < 0 or y2 < 0:
        return t

    size = 2 * tmp_size + 1
    tx = np.arange(0, size, 1, np.float32)
    ty = tx[:, np.newaxis]
    x0 = y0 = size // 2

    g = torch.tensor(np.exp(-np.power(tx - mu_x, 2.) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2.))))
    g = g * g[:, None]

    g_x_min, g_x_max = max(0, -x1), min(x2, w) - x1
    g_y_min, g_y_max = max(0, -y1), min(y2, h) - y1

    img_x_min, img_x_max = max(0, x1), min(x2, w)
    img_y_min, img_y_max = max(0, y1), min(y2, h)

    t[img_y_min:img_y_max, img_x_min:img_x_max] = \
      g[g_y_min:g_y_max, g_x_min:g_x_max]

    return t






tmp_size = sigma * 3
tx = np.arange(1, tmp_size + 1, 1, np.float32)
g = np.exp(-(tx**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
g = np.concatenate((np.flip(g), [1], g))
g = g * g[:, None]


g = create_gaussian(sigma=3)
x_k1 = [
    copy_gaussian(torch.zeros(H, W), x, y, g)
    for x, y in rescale(kp1.numpy(), frame.shape)

