在IPtyhon vi模式下使用.vimrc中的绑定

k3bvogb1  于 2022-12-13  发布在  其他

I have been searching and can't find if there is a way to use my custom bindings from my .vimrc file in IPython in a simple, straightforward manner.
I'm looking if not for the solution to this, to some good advice from the experienced users.
Thanks in advance.



It is not possible to use custom bindings from your .vimrc file in IPython directly. IPython uses its own set of keybindings and does not support custom bindings from .vimrc.
However, you can customize the keybindings in IPython by modifying the ipython_config.py file. This file is located in the .ipython directory in your home directory, and it contains settings for various aspects of IPython, including keybindings.
