assembly 组件x86 MASM -从内存撷取5比特时发生问题

j5fpnvbx  于 2022-12-13  发布在  其他

我有一个问题要解决,但我不知道如何去解决。我想知道如何去解决这个问题的大致想法。我有一个存储器地址,在ESI中。存储器代表某种简化的ASCII编码,其中5位,一个接一个表示一个特定字符。存储器以五位结束-00000 b。为了转换为正常的8-必须向每个5位值添加60 H位ASCII码我希望将每个5位编码字符存储为EDI地址下8位ASCII码EDI还必须以0 - 0000000 b结尾
例如:[ESI] = 00011 00010 11010 00000 b [EDI] = 01100011 01100010 01111010 00000000 b




abcdefgh ijklmnop qrstuvwx     bits 
       +0       +1       +2        address offset


abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwx.. 5-bit values


// Initialize
    int bitcount to 0 
    unsigned accumulator16 to 0
    if bitcount < 5 then         // don't have enough bits? no, get some more
        temp8 = *sourcepointer++;// 8 bit fetch from memory, and increment pointer
        combine temp8 with accumulator16
        bitcount += 8;           // we added 8 more bits
    end if
    temp5 = accumulator16 >> 11;  // accumulator holds 5 bits of immediate interest
    *destinationpointer++ = temp5 + 0x60; // add the bias and store in memory
    if temp5 == 0 break;         // if we read a 0, then stop
    accumulator <<= 5;           // loose those 5 bits we just consumed
    bitcount -= 5;               // and update how many bits are left still
    goto loop;                   // lather, rinse, repeat


accumulator16 = 0000000000000000
    bitcount = 0
first iteration:
    since bitcount < 5 then we fetch:
    temp8 = abcdefgh (fetch byte from sourcepointer and increment it)
    and combine temp8 with accumulator
    accumulator = abcdefgh00000000
    and adjust bit count
    bit count += 8, (0+8=8)

    temp5 = accumulator16 >> 11, so 000abcde
    store it adding 0x60
    shift accumulator to loose the 5 bits we just consumed
    accumulator = fgh0000000000000
    adjust bitcount
    bitcount -= 5, (8-5=3)
Second iteration:
    since bitcount < 5 then we fetch:
    temp8 = ijklmnop (fetch byte from sourcepointer and increment it)
    and combine temp8 with accumulator
    accumulator = fghijklmnop00000
    and adjust bit count
    bit count += 8, (3+8=11)
    temp5 = accumulator16 >> 11, so 000fghij
    store it adding 0x60
    shift accumulator to loose the 5 bits we just consumed
    accumulator = klmnop0000000000
    adjust bitcount
    bitcount -=5 , (11-5=6)
Third iteration:
    since bitcount >= 5 we don't fetch any bytes this time

    temp5 = accumulator16 >> 11, so 000klmno
    store it adding 0x60
    shift accumulator to loose the 5 bits we just consumed
    accumulator = p000000000000000
    adjust bitcount
    bitcount -= 5, (6-5=1)
Fourth iteration:
    since bitcount < 5 then fetch another byte and combine


将刚刚获取的temp 8与当前累加器组合的工作需要对temp进行可变移位,以便该值的第一位与累加器中数据的最后一位对齐。

temp8       = ijklmnop

expand temp8 to 16 bits using zero extension:
temp16      = 00000000ijklmnop

next, shift temp16 such that the "ijklmnop" lines up where we need it

accumulator = fgh0000000000000 // value left after first iteration

how much do we need to shift if we want, to line up "i" to just after "h"
temp16      = 000ikjlkmnop0000

the answer here is 5, 
and it has to do with the number of bits still left in the accumulator, which is a variable amount

that formula is computed by 8-bitcount, which says, 

if there are no bits left we want to shift by 8 (8-0=8)
and for every bit sill left we shift by one smaller (8-3=5)

temp16 <<= 8-bitcount

with the new bits properly shifted, we can or them in
accumulator |= temp16;
accumulator = fghijklmnop00000 // value we want after merge

