c++ 检查阵列的最快方法是什么(检查所有可能的组合)?

ybzsozfc  于 2022-12-15  发布在  其他


/*j, o, k, l are numbers of each point. This loop will check all possible combinations
    (except 2 or more points have the  same number(it means also the same coordinades) or they already are part of some figure*/ 
    for (int j=0; j < i-1; j++)
        if (Point[j].p != true)
            for (int o = 1; o < i - 2; o++)
                if ((o != j) && (Point[o].p != true))
                    for (int k = 2; k < i - 3; k++)
                        if ((k!= j) && (k != o) && (Point[k].p != true))
                            for (int l = 3; l < i - 4; l++)
                                if ((l != k) && (Point[l].p != true) && (l != o) && (l!=j))
                                    vx1 = abs(Point[o].x - Point[j].x); //vectors coordinates
                                    vx2 = abs(Point[k].x - Point[o].x);
                                    vy1 = abs(Point[o].y - Point[j].y);
                                    vy2 = abs(Point[k].y - Point[o].y);
                                    vx3 = abs(Point[l].x - Point[k].x);
                                    vy3 = abs(Point[l].y - Point[k].y);
                                    vx4 = abs(Point[j].x - Point[l].x);
                                    vy4 = abs(Point[j].y - Point[l].y);
                                    dx1 = abs(Point[k].x - Point[j].x); //diagonals coordinates
                                    dy1 = abs(Point[k].y - Point[j].y);
                                    dx2 = abs(Point[o].x - Point[l].x);
                                    dy2 = abs(Point[o].y - Point[l].y);
                                    v1 = sqrt(vx1 * vx1 + vy1 * vy1); // sides length
                                    v2 = sqrt(vx2 * vx2 + vy2 * vy2);
                                    v3 = sqrt(vx3 * vx3 + vy3 * vy3);
                                    v4 = sqrt(vx4 * vx4 + vy4 * vy4);
                                    d1 = sqrt(dx1 *dx1 + dy1 * dy1); //diagonals length
                                    d2 = sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);
                                    if (
                                        ((abs(v1-v2)<=0.5) && (abs(v3-v4)<=0.5) && (abs(v3-v2)<=0.5) && (v1<d1)) /*cheks all  sides are equal and if the diagonal is bigger than side*/  
                                        && (Point[k].p != true && Point[o].p != true && Point[j].p != true)/*checks if the points aren`t the part of any figure yet*/ 
                                        &&(abs(d1 - d2)<=0.5)/*checks if the diagonals are equal*/)
                                        Point[j].p = true; // it means that point with this number is already a part of some figure, so it will be skipped in next operations
                                        Point[o].p = true;
                                        Point[k].p = true;
                                        Point[l].p = true;
                                        // the output
                                        out << "Figure " << q << ":" << "x1=" << Point[j].x << " y1=" << Point[j].y << " x2="
                                            << Point[o].x << " y2=" << Point[o].y <<
                                            " x3=" << Point[k].x << " y3=" << Point[k].y <<
                                            " x4=" << Point[l].x << " y4=" << Point[l].y << endl;


既然你提到它是一个 “计算机图形坐标系(没有负坐标)",我也假设整数值,这使得它相当直接。

  • 创建Pointstd::unordered_set
  • 对于两个点AB的每个组合,计算第三个点C的位置,第三个点C相对于前两个点A -> B旋转90°。
  • 如果该集合中存在这样的第三个点,则计算最后一个点D相对于B -> C的位置。
  • 如果找到匹配,则从集合中删除这四个点。
  • 继续,直到你通过所有的点。


template <class T = unsigned long long> // or some other integer type
struct Point {
    bool operator==(const Point& o) const { return x == o.x && y == o.y; }
    bool operator!=(const Point& o) const { return !(*this == o); }

    Point& operator-=(const Point& o) {
        x -= o.x;
        y -= o.y;
        return *this;

    T x, y;

template <class T>
Point<T> operator-(const Point<T>& lhs, const Point<T>& rhs) {
    Point rv = lhs;
    rv -= rhs;
    return rv;

template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Point<T>& p) {
    return os << '{' << p.x << ',' << p.y << '}';

template <class T>
struct std::hash<Point<T>> {
    std::size_t operator()(const Point<T>& p) const {
        std::hash<T> h;
        // boost::hash_combine:
        std::size_t rv = h(p.x);
        rv ^= h(p.y) + 0x9e3779b9 + (rv << 6) + (rv >> 2);
        return rv;

这样我们就可以通过B - A得到xy的不同之处,并且专用的std::hash可以让我们把它存储在像std::unordered_set这样的容器中,std::unordered_set要求 Key 是可哈希的。

template<class T>
Point<T> rot90(const Point<T>& A, const Point<T>& B) {
    // C.x = B.x + (B-A).y
    // C.y = B.y - (B-A).x
    auto BA = B - A;
    return {B.x + BA.y, B.y - BA.x};


int main() {
    std::unordered_set<Point<>> points{ /* ... */ };

    // first, second, third and last iterator:
    // fit(A), sit(B), tit(C), lit(D)
    for (auto fit = points.begin(); fit != points.end();) {
        bool found = false;

        // temporarily extract the node from the set to loop over the rest
        // of the nodes:
        auto next = std::next(fit);
        auto node = points.extract(fit);
        // loop over the rest of the nodes:
        auto sit = points.begin();
        decltype(sit) tit, lit;

        for(; sit != points.end(); ++sit) {
            // calculate where C should be:
            auto candidate = rot90(node.value(), *sit);
            if(tit = points.find(candidate); tit != points.end()) {
                // third Point found - try for the last too:
                candidate = rot90(*sit, candidate);
                if(lit = points.find(candidate); lit != points.end()) {
                    found = true;
        if(found) {
            std::cout << "FOUND: " << node.value() << ' ' << *sit << ' '
                                   << *tit << ' ' << *lit << '\n';
            // erase the points from the set
            if(next == sit) ++next; // next being erased, step next
            if(next == tit) ++next; // next being erased, step next
            if(next == lit) ++next; // next being erased, step next
        } else {
            // reinsert the first Point node since no square was found
            points.insert(fit, std::move(node));
        fit = next; // try next



对于某些点的组合,您可能会找到比预期更少的方块。例如,上述算法(以及您的原始算法)可能会在此处找到1 * 或 * 2个方块:

{100,1} {101,1} {101,0} {100,0}
{102,1} {103,1} {103,0} {102,0}


{101,0} {101,1} {102,1} {102,0}


template<class T = unsigned long long>
class Square {
    // this requires the points to be added in the order you'd "paint" them,
    // that is, in the order they were found by the matching algorithm below
    Square(Point<T> A, Point<T> B, Point<T> C, Point<T> D) : points{A, B, C, D} {
        // rotate to put the "smallest" Point first
        auto mit = std::min_element(points.begin(), points.end());
        std::rotate(points.begin(), mit, points.end());

    bool operator<(const Square& o) const {
        return points < o.points;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Square<T> &s) {
        return os << '{' << s.points[0] << ',' << s.points[1] << ',' 
                         << s.points[2] << ',' << s.points[3] << '}';

    std::array<Point<T>, 4> points;


template<class T>
auto FindSquares(const std::unordered_set<Point<T>>& points,
                 std::set<Square<T>>& sq_found)
    //auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    // loop over all points
    for (auto fit = points.begin(), end = points.end(); fit != end; ++fit) {
        // loop over all the other points
        for(auto sit = points.begin(); sit != end; ++sit) {
            if(sit == fit) continue;

            // try to find the third point:
            if(auto tit = points.find(rot90(*fit, *sit)); tit != points.end())
                // third Point found - try for the last too:
                if(auto lit = points.find(rot90(*sit, *tit)); lit != points.end())
                    // store this square (if it's not there already)
                    sq_found.emplace(*fit, *sit, *tit, *lit);
    //return std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
int main() {
    std::unordered_set<Point<>> points{/* ... */};
    std::set<Square<>> sq_found;

    FindSquares(points, sq_found);

    for(auto& sq : sq_found) {
        std::cout << "FOUND: " << sq << '\n';

| 尺寸|点数|找到的方块|持续时间|
| - ------|- ------|- ------|- ------|
| 590x591|一千五百|1-6| 0.04s |
| 590x591|一万五千|小行星35| 5.65s |
| 590x591|三万|小行星565800| 31.00s |
| 小行星1777 x1057|一千五百|无| 0.04s |
| 小行星1777 x1057|一万五千|一千| 5.40s |
| 小行星1777 x1057|三万|小行星157| 27.70s |
x1c 0d1x的数据




  • yC - yA = xB - xA且
  • xC -xA = -(yB - yA)


  • xD - xC = xB - xA以及
  • yD - yC = yB - yA

但是如果你使用浮点值作为坐标,你可能会遇到精度问题。我们都知道浮点运算是不精确的。所以你应该定义一个 epsilon 值(通常10-6是一个可接受的值),并用接近以下代码替换所有的相等性测试:

if (abs(x - y) < epsilon) ...

