
oymdgrw7  于 2022-12-19  发布在  Flutter

我最近在Admob中将我的应用的广告内容评级MA 更改为 G,因为我的应用面向家庭。

D/EGL_emulation( 4807): eglCreateContext: 0xec6f6250: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
D/EGL_emulation( 4807): eglMakeCurrent: 0xec6f6250: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xb09f9410) (first time)
D/zzez    ( 4807): File /data/user/0/app.wesay.joinedwords/cache/1598581401714.dex not found. No need for deletion
E/chromium( 4807): [ERROR:gl_surface_egl.cc(549)] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_SUCCESS
I/DynamiteModule( 4807): Considering local module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:21400
I/DynamiteModule( 4807): Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite, version >= 21400
V/DynamiteModule( 4807): Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
I/Ads     ( 4807): This request is sent from a test device.
I/VideoCapabilities( 4807): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
W/cr_MediaCodecUtil( 4807): HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
D/EGL_emulation( 4807): eglCreateContext: 0xec6f7590: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2
W/Ads     ( 4807): Not retrying to fetch app settings
E/chromium( 4807): **[ERROR:cookie_manager.cc(137)] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/ for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the 'https:' scheme for this URL or omit the 'Secure' directive in the cookie value.
W/Ads     ( 4807): GET LOCATION COMPILED**
W/say.joinedword( 4807): Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioTrack;->getLatency()I (greylist, reflection, allowed)
I/ExoPlayerImpl( 4807): Init ExoPlayerLib/2.4.2 [generic_x86_arm, sdk_gphone_x86_arm, Google, 30]
I/flutter ( 4807): BannerAd event is MobileAdEvent.loaded
I/flutter ( 4807): BannerAd event is MobileAdEvent.impression
D/MetadataUtil( 4807): Skipped unknown metadata entry: gsst
D/MetadataUtil( 4807): Skipped unknown metadata entry: gstd
D/CCodec  ( 4807): allocate(c2.android.aac.decoder)
I/Codec2Client( 4807): Available Codec2 services: "software"
I/CCodec  ( 4807): Created component [c2.android.aac.decoder]
D/CCodecConfig( 4807): read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
D/ReflectedParamUpdater( 4807): extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
I/CCodecConfig( 4807): query failed after returning 19 values (BAD_INDEX)

[错误:cookie_manager.cc(137)]严格的安全Cookie策略不允许为http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/设置安全Cookie以用于目标〉= R的应用。请对此URL使用“https:”方案或省略Cookie值中的“Secure”指令。W/Ads(4807):获取位置已编译
在重新提交到Google Play之前,我想确保我知道发生这种情况的原因,因为我不希望它在其他设备上崩溃。



我目前使用的是google_移动的_ads 2.3.0,似乎没有出现这个错误。横幅广告出现在模拟器上运行的Flutter应用程序中。尝试升级到最新版本的google_mobile_ads插件,看看是否可以解决这个问题。
