java 复发性井字游戏[已关闭]

osh3o9ms  于 2022-12-21  发布在  Java

编辑问题以包含desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem。这将有助于其他人回答问题。
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//Represents a player who looks to always win in tic tac toe

public class computerMoves {

    private TTTBoard computerBoard;
    private int moveRow;
    private int moveColumn;
    public computerMoves(TTTBoard board )
        computerBoard = board;
        moveRow = 0;
        moveColumn = 0;
    public int getRow()
        return moveRow;
    public int getColumn()
        return moveColumn;
    private int minmax(int depth, TTTBoard board, boolean isMax)
        if(board.getWinner() == 'X')
            return 100;
        if(board.getWinner() == 'O')
            return -100;
            return 0;
            int highestScore = -2000;
            for(int rows = 1; rows <= 3; rows++)
                for(int columns = 1; columns <= 3; columns++)
                    if(board.placeXorO('X', rows, columns))
                        highestScore = Math.max(highestScore, minmax(depth+1, board, !isMax));
                        board.placeXorO('-', rows, columns);
            return highestScore;
            int lowestScore = 2000;
            for(int rows = 1; rows <= 3; rows++)
                for(int columns = 1; columns <= 3; columns++)
                    if(board.placeXorO('O', rows, columns))
                        lowestScore = Math.min(lowestScore, minmax(depth+1, board, !isMax));
                        board.placeXorO('-', rows, columns);
            return lowestScore;
    public void bestMove()
        int bestMove = -200;
        for(int rows = 1; rows <= 3; rows++)
            for(int columns = 1; columns <= 3; columns++)
                if(computerBoard.getBoard()[rows-1][columns-1] == '-')
                    int currentMove = minmax(0, computerBoard, true);

                    System.out.println("Current move " + currentMove);
                    computerBoard.placeXorO('-', rows, columns);
                    if(currentMove > bestMove)
                        moveRow = rows;
                        moveColumn = columns;
                        bestMove = currentMove;
public boolean full() //checks if board is full
        for(int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
            for(int column = 0; column < 3; column++) //for each column in each row
                if(board[row][column] == '-') //if there is a blank space
                    return false;
        return true;

public boolean placeXorO(char player, int row, int column) //checks if a move is legal and does it if it is
        if(board[row - 1][column - 1] == '-') //if the selected space is blank
            board[row - 1][column - 1] = player; //replace blank space with current player
            return true;
        else if(player == '-')
            board[row - 1][column - 1] = player; //replaces a move with a blank space
        return false;





if(board.getWinner() == 'X')
        return 100;
    if(board.getWinner() == 'O')
        return -100;

