VBA -在多维数组中拆分CSV文件

mm5n2pyu  于 2022-12-25  发布在  其他





Dim Delimiter As String
Dim TextFile As Integer
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileContent As String
Dim LineArray() As String
Dim DataArray() As String

  Delimiter = ","
  FilePath = emiFilePath
'Open the text file in a Read State
  TextFile = FreeFile
  Open FilePath For Input As TextFile
'Store file content inside a variable
  FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile)

'Close Text File
  Close TextFile
'Separate Out lines of data
  LineArray() = Split(FileContent, Delimiter, -1, vbTextCompare)

'Read Data into an Array Variable
      'Re-Adjust Array boundaries
        ReDim Preserve DataArray(UBound(LineArray))
      'Load line of data into Array variable
        For y = LBound(LineArray) To UBound(LineArray)
          DataArray(y) = Replace(LineArray(y), Chr(34), vbNullString)
        Next y



Dim Delimiter As String
Dim TextFile As Integer
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileContent As String
Dim LineArray() As String
Dim DataArray() As Variant

  Delimiter = ","
  FilePath = emiFilePath

'Open the text file in a Read State
  TextFile = FreeFile
  Open FilePath For Input As TextFile

'Store file content inside a variable
  FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile)

'Close Text File
  Close TextFile

'Separate Out lines of data
  LineArray() = Split(FileContent, vbLf, -1, vbTextCompare)

'Read Data into an Array Variable
      'Re-Adjust Array boundaries
        ReDim Preserve DataArray(UBound(LineArray))
      'Load line of data into Array, separate by commas and remove unwanted blank strings
        For y = LBound(LineArray) To UBound(LineArray)
          DataArray(y) = Split(Replace(LineArray(y), Chr(34), vbNullString), Delimiter)
        Next y



'Separate Out lines of data
  LineArray() = Split(FileContent, Delimiter, -1, vbTextCompare)


Function mySplit(ByVal emiFilePath As String) As Variant()
    Dim Delimiter As String
    Dim TextFile As Integer
    Dim FilePath As String
    Dim FileContent As String
    Dim LineArray() As String
    Dim DataArray() As Variant
    Delimiter = ","
    FilePath = emiFilePath

    'Open the text file in a Read State
    TextFile = FreeFile
    Open FilePath For Input As TextFile

    'Store file content inside a variable
    FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile)

    'Close Text File
    Close TextFile

    'Separate Out lines of data
    LineArray = Split(FileContent, vbCrLf, -1, vbTextCompare)
    ReDim DataArray(LBound(LineArray) To UBound(LineArray))
    Dim i As Long
    'Separate fields inside the lines
    For i = LBound(LineArray) To UBound(LineArray)
      DataArray(i) = Split(LineArray(i), Delimiter, -1, vbTextCompare)
    Next i
    mySplit = DataArray
End Function
