关于面向对象编程的热点问题- Python

bmvo0sr5  于 2022-12-28  发布在  Python


# define a basic city class
class City:
    name = ""
    country = ""
    elevation = 0 
    population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city1 = City()
city1.name = "Cusco"
city1.country = "Peru"
city1.elevation = 3399
city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city2 = City()
city2.name = "Sofia"
city2.country = "Bulgaria"
city2.elevation = 2290
city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city3 = City()
city3.name = "Seoul"
city3.country = "South Korea"
city3.elevation = 38
city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):
    # Initialize the variable that will hold 
# the information of the city with 
# the highest elevation 
    return_city = City()

    # Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #1 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if ___
        return_city = ___
    # Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #2 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if ___
        return_city = ___
    # Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #3 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if ___
        return_city = ___

    #Format the return string
    if return_city.name:
        return ___
        return ""

print(max_elevation_city(100000)) # Should print "Cusco, Peru"
print(max_elevation_city(1000000)) # Should print "Sofia, Bulgaria"
print(max_elevation_city(10000000)) # Should print ""



    # Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #1 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city1.population >= min_population:
        return_city = city1
    # Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #2 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city2.population >= min_population and city2.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city2
    # Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #3 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city3.population >= min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city3

    #Format the return string
    if return_city.name:
        return f"{return_city.name}, {return_city.country}" 
        return ""

首先,if检查city 1是否超过给定的最小人口数。由于我们知道return_city尚未设置,因此不需要检查海拔是否最大。
在return语句中,我们使用f string来格式化。




            if city1.population >= min_population and city1.elevation > return_city.elevation:
                return_city = city1
            if city2.population >= min_population and city2.elevation >return_city.elevation:
                return_city = city2
            if city3.population >= min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
                return_city = city3
            if return_city.name:
                return "{}, {}".format(return_city.name, return_city.country)
                return ""


if city1.population >= min_population:
    return_city = city1

elif  city2.population >= min_population:
    return_city = city2

elif  city3.population >= min_population:
    return_city = city3

if return_city.name:
    return "{}, {}".format(return_city.name, return_city.country)
    return ""


# Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #1 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city1.population >= min_population:
    return_city = city1
# Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #2 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city2.population >= min_population and city2.elevation > return_city.elevation:
    return_city = city2
# Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
# does city #3 have at least min_population and
# is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
if city3.population >= min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
    return_city = city3

#Format the return string
if return_city.name:
    return ("{}, {}".format(return_city.name, return_city.country))
    return ""


# define a basic city class
class City:
    name = ""
    country = ""
    elevation = 0 
    population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city1 = City()
city1.name = "Cusco"
city1.country = "Peru"
city1.elevation = 3399
city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city2 = City()
city2.name = "Sofia"
city2.country = "Bulgaria"
city2.elevation = 2290
city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city3 = City()
city3.name = "Seoul"
city3.country = "South Korea"
city3.elevation = 38
city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):
    highest_elevation = 0
    # Initialize the variable that will hold 
    # the information of the city with 
    # the highest elevation 
    return_city = City()

    # Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #1 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city1.population >= min_population and city1.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        highest_elevation = return_city.elevation 
        return_city = city1
    # Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #2 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city2.population >= min_population and city2.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        highest_elevation = return_city.elevation 
        return_city = city2
    # Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #3 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city3.population >= min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        highest_elevation = return_city.elevation 
        return_city =  city3

    #Format the return string
    if return_city.name:
        return "{}, {}".format(return_city.name, return_city.country)
        return ""

print(max_elevation_city(100000)) # Should print "Cusco, Peru"
print(max_elevation_city(1000000)) # Should print "Sofia, Bulgaria"
print(max_elevation_city(10000000)) # Should print ""

#Cusco, Peru
#Sofia, Bulgaria



if city1.population >= min_population:
    return_city = city1


if city2.population >= min_population and not return_city.name:
    return_city = city2


if city3.population >= min_population and not return_city.name:
        return_city = city3

    if return_city.name:
        return ','.join([return_city.nam ,return_city.country]) 
        return ""


# define a basic city class
class City:
    name = ""
    country = ""
    elevation = 0 
    population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city1 = City()
city1.name = "Cusco"
city1.country = "Peru"
city1.elevation = 3399
city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city2 = City()
city2.name = "Sofia"
city2.country = "Bulgaria"
city2.elevation = 2290
city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city3 = City()
city3.name = "Seoul"
city3.country = "South Korea"
city3.elevation = 38
city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):
    # Initialize the variable that will hold 
# the information of the city with 
# the highest elevation 
    return_city = City()

    # Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #1 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city1.population >= min_population:
        return_city = city1
    # Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #2 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city2.population >= min_population and city2.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city2
    # Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #3 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city3.population >= min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city3

    #Format the return string
    if return_city.name:
        return f"{return_city.name}, {return_city.country}" 
        return ""


# define a basic city class
    class City:
        name = ""
        country = ""
        elevation = 0 
        population = 0

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city1 = City()
city1.name = "Cusco"
city1.country = "Peru"
city1.elevation = 3399
city1.population = 358052

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city2 = City()
city2.name = "Sofia"
city2.country = "Bulgaria"
city2.elevation = 2290
city2.population = 1241675

# create a new instance of the City class and
# define each attribute
city3 = City()
city3.name = "Seoul"
city3.country = "South Korea"
city3.elevation = 38
city3.population = 9733509

def max_elevation_city(min_population):
    # Initialize the variable that will hold 
# the information of the city with 
# the highest elevation 
    return_city = City()

    # Evaluate the 1st instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #1 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city1.population > min_population and city1.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city1
    # Evaluate the 2nd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #2 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city2.population > min_population and city2.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city2
    # Evaluate the 3rd instance to meet the requirements:
    # does city #3 have at least min_population and
    # is its elevation the highest evaluated so far?
    if city3.population > min_population and city3.elevation > return_city.elevation:
        return_city = city3

    #Format the return string
    if return_city.name:
        return "{}, {}".format(return_city.name, return_city.country)
        return ""

print(max_elevation_city(100000)) # Should print "Cusco, Peru"
print(max_elevation_city(1000000)) # Should print "Sofia, Bulgaria"
print(max_elevation_city(10000000)) # Should print ""
