
yqhsw0fo  于 2022-12-30  发布在  其他


Edition P           S        A       E     F
1995    p33         s1       s2     s17   s20
1996    p40         s1       s2     s14   s16a
1997    sp58        s1       s2     s10   s12a
1998    sp53        s1       s2     s11   s14a
2000    P54ST       S1       S2      S6  reeduc1
2001    p55st       s1       s2      s6  reeduc1
2002    p45st       s1       s2      s6  reeduc1
2003    p54st       s1       s2      s6    s18
2004    p30st       s1       s2      s6   reeduc1
2005    p48st       s6       s7     s11   reeduc1
2006    p38st       s6       s7     s11   reeduc1
2007    p64st       s10      s11    s15   reeduc1
2008    p61st       s8       s9     s15   reeduc1
2009    P35ST       s5       s6     s12   reeduc1
2010    P29ST       S7       S8     S14   REEDUC1
2011    P38ST       S16      S17    S21   REEDUC1
2013    P22TGBSM    S10      S11    S17   REEDUC_1
2015    P23TGBSM    S12      S13    S19   REEDUC_1
2016    P15STGBS    SEXO    EDAD    S13   REEDUC_1
2017    P16STGBS    SEXO    EDAD    S14   REEDUC.1
2018    P21STGBS.A  SEXO    EDAD    S10 
2020    P50STGBS.A  SEXO    EDAD    S16   REEDUC.1


structure(list(numinves = c(2020L, 2020L, 2020L, 2020L, 2020L
), idenpa = c(32L, 32L, 32L, 32L, 32L), numentre = 3200001:3200005, 
    reg = c(32002L, 32001L, 32002L, 32002L, 32211L), ciudad = c(32301917L, 
    32001001L, 32301955L, 32301932L, 32211004L), tamciud = c(-4L, 
    -4L, -4L, -4L, -4L), comdist = c(2L, 1L, 280L, 230L, 926L
    ), edad = c(63L, 24L, 20L, 54L, 38L), sexo = c(2L, 1L, 1L, 
    2L, 1L), codigo = c(-4L, -4L, -4L, -4L, -4L)), row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5"), class = "data.frame")

如您所见,变量值均为数值。所有勘测波均如此,因为数值对应于外部码本。显然,并非所有所需变量均位于 Dataframe 的开头,也不是以每个波的相同顺序出现。




data_stack <- data.frame(
      Edition = c(1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020),
      P = c("p33", "p40", "sp58", "sp53", "P54ST", "p55st", "p45st", "p54st", "p30st", "p48st", "p38st", "p64st", "p61st", "P35ST", "P29ST", "P38ST", "P22TGBSM", "P23TGBSM", "P15STGBS", "P16STGBS", "P21STGBS.A", "P50STGBS.A"),
      S = c("s1", "s1", "s1", "s1", "S1", "s1", "s1", "s1", "s1", "s6", "s6", "s10", "s8", "s5", "S7", "S16", "S10", "S12", "SEXO", "SEXO", "SEXO", "SEXO"),
      A = c("s2", "s2", "s2", "s2", "S2", "s2", "s2", "s2", "s2", "s7", "s7", "s11", "s9", "s6", "S8", "S17", "S11", "S13", "EDAD", "EDAD", "EDAD", "EDAD"),
      E = c("s17", "s14", "s10", "s11", "S6", "s6", "s6", "s6", "s6", "s11", "s11", "s15", "s15", "s12", "S14", "S21", "S17", "S19", "S13", "S14", "S10", "S16"),
      `F` = c("s20", "s16a", "s12a", "s14a", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "s18", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "reeduc1", "REEDUC1", "REEDUC1", "REEDUC_1", "REEDUC_1", "REEDUC_1", "REEDUC.1", NA_character_, "REEDUC.")
    edition_2015 <- data.frame(P23TGBSM = c(3, 4, 5),
                           S12 = c(6, 7, 8))
    edition_2016 <- data.frame(P15STGBS = c(10, 11, 12),
                           SEXO = c(13, 14, 15))
    for (year in 2015:2016) {
      edition <- get(paste0("edition_", year))
      for (i in 1:ncol(edition)) {
        colnames(edition)[i] <- colnames(data_stack[data_stack$Edition == year,])[(which(as.matrix(data_stack[data_stack$Edition == year,]) == colnames(edition)[i], arr.ind = TRUE))[2]]
      assign(paste0("edition_", year), edition)




# Convert key into a list of named character vectors; one per year, with
# original names as values and new names as names
keys_by_year <- key %>% 
  pivot_longer(!Edition) %>% 
  drop_na(value) %>% 
  split(.$Edition) %>% 
  map(\(df) purrr::set_names(df$value, df$name))

# import surveys, naming each with its year
surveys_raw <- map(
  purrr::set_names(c("1995", "2018")),
  \(year) read_csv(paste0("survey", year, ".csv"))

# for each survey, select variables wanted by indexing with the key for that
# year, then rename using names from key
surveys <- imap_dfr(
  \(survey, year) {
    year_key <- keys_by_year[[year]]
    survey <- survey[year_key]
    colnames(survey) <- names(year_key)
  .id = "Edition"

# result
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  Edition     P     S     A     E     F
  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1995        3     4     2     4     4
2 1995        5     3     5     1     5
3 1995        2     1     4     3     5
4 2018        2     1     1     1    NA
5 2018        4     1     4     1    NA
6 2018        5     1     3     3    NA
  • 示例数据:*

# including a few "unwanted" columns in each
survey1995 <- data.frame(
  p33 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  p35 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  s1 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  s2 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  s3 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  s17 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  s20 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE)

survey2018 <- data.frame(
  P21STGBS.A = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  SEXO = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  EDAD = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  IDIOMA = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE),
  S10 = sample(1:5, 3, replace = TRUE)

write_csv(survey1995, "survey1995.csv")
write_csv(survey2018, "survey2018.csv")
