On OSX (x86_64), the following sample code will output correct values for top[0] and top[1] and NaN for top[2]. All values smaller than -90.0f will be NaN.
auto sigmoid = ncnn::create_layer("Sigmoid");
auto bottom = ncnn::Mat(16);
auto top = ncnn::Mat(16);
bottom[0] = 0.0f;
bottom[1] = 10.0f;
bottom[2] = -90.0f;
sigmoid->forward(bottom, top);
std::cout << top[0] << " " << top[1] << " " << top[2] << '\n';
Line 42 in 624291e
| | ptr[i] = 1.f / (1.f + exp(-ptr[i])); |
reciprocal is optimized to an approx sse version by compiler like
1+exp(90) returns inf
then 1/inf returns -NaN with this approx version
Maybe the code should check the input and return 0 directly if the input value is smaller than -90. Will be slower but will remove the NaNs.