- 方案:**:我正在尝试使用python boto3模块将AWS dynamodb中的一些选定项从源表推到目标表。为此,我正在从源表中获取感兴趣的行,但无法将相同的项放到目标表中。
- 注意:**:这里,它有Decimal值-成功处理它们。但是,它也有字典值的属性。我无法推送这些条目。
import boto3
import argparse
# import simplejson as json
import json
from decimal import *
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr
class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
return str(obj)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def migrate_data(region, sourcetable, desttable):
:param region: region of AWS
:param sourcetable: source table to collect the data
:param desttable: dest backup table to move the data
:return: Move the selected data to dest and delete from source table
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=region)
pdynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name=region)
table = dynamodb.Table(sourcetable)
sresponse = table.scan(
FilterExpression=Attr('expirationDate').contains('2021-') & Attr('entityType').eq('prospect')
data = sresponse['Items']
print("## Quantity of 2021 records: {}".format(len(data)))
## Move to destination:
print("## Uploading the selected data from {} to {}".format(sourcetable, desttable))
for item in data:
jdata = json.dumps(item, cls=DecimalEncoder)
print("## Decimal Encoded data type is: {} and data : {}".format(type(jdata), jdata))
jitem = json.loads(jdata)
print("## Data loads must be in dict now: {}".format(type(jitem)))
item = {
'expirationDate': {'S': jitem['expirationDate']},
'entityType': {'S': jitem['entityType']},
'findProspectIndex': {'S': jitem['findProspectIndex']},
'apr': {'S': jitem['apr']},
'createdDate': {'S': jitem['createdDate']},
'marketingCampaignId': {'S': jitem['marketingCampaignId']},
'productLine': {'S': jitem['productLine']},
'status': {'S': jitem['status']},
'offerAmount': {'S': jitem['offerAmount']},
'pqCode': {'S': jitem['pqCode']},
'prospectOfferCode': {'S': jitem['prospectOfferCode']},
'customerType': {'S': jitem['customerType']},
'id': {'S': jitem['id']},
'updatedDate': {'S': jitem['updatedDate']},
# 'personalInfo': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']}
'personalInfo': {
'firstName': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['firstName']},
'lastName': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['lastName']},
'phoneNumber': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['phoneNumber']},
'last4Ssn': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['last4Ssn']},
'residentialAddress': {
'zip': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['residentialAddress']['zip']},
'addressLine1': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['residentialAddress']['addressLine1']},
'addressLine2': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['residentialAddress']['addressLine2']},
'state': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['residentialAddress']['state']},
'city': {'S': jitem['personalInfo']['residentialAddress']['city']}
print("## Entry item type is : {} and data: {}".format(type(item), item))
dresponse = pdynamodb.put_item(
print("## Type of data : {}".format(type(dresponse)))
print("## Quantity of 2021 records moved - {}".format(len(dresponse)))
## Remove the records from source table
for item in data:
print("## Deleting the item of id : {}".format(item['id']))
Key={'id': item['id']}
except Exception as E:
print("## Caught an exception while deleting the data.. {}".format(E))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("################### MIGRATE DATA from DynamoDB table to other table ####################\n")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Input the source and destincation tables to migrate data")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--region", dest="region", action="store", help="provide region name",
default="us-east-1", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-st", "--sourcetable", dest="sourcetable", action="store", help="provide source table name",
parser.add_argument("-dt", "--desttable", dest="desttable", action="store", help="provide destination table name",
args = parser.parse_args()
migrate_data(args.region, args.sourcetable, args.desttable)
- 错误:**
## Decimal Encoded data type is: <class 'str'> and data : {"expirationDate": "2021-11-04T00:00:00.000Z", "entityType": "prospect", "findProspectIndex": "curran_1_6904_83202", "apr": "26.99", "createdDate": "2021-10-29T11:01:52.172Z", "marketingCampaignId": "NCPQCARD20210913", "productLine": "credit card", "status": "new", "offerAmount": "0", "pqCode": "347384022", "prospectOfferCode": "1000100010003000", "customerType": "NC", "id": "e8b3d41d-ac0b-4790-9147-ee5b409b9a13", "updatedDate": "2021-10-29T11:01:52.172Z", "personalInfo": {"firstName": "RONALD_1", "lastName": "curran_1", "phoneNumber": "2083176132.0", "last4Ssn": "6904", "residentialAddress": {"zip": "83202", "addressLine1": "5085 GALENA ST", "addressLine2": "", "state": "ID", "city": "POCATELLO"}}}
## Data loads must be in dict now: <class 'dict'>
## Entry item type is : <class 'dict'> and data: {'expirationDate': {'S': '2021-11-04T00:00:00.000Z'}, 'entityType': {'S': 'prospect'}, 'findProspectIndex': {'S': 'curran_1_6904_83202'}, 'apr': {'S': '26.99'}, 'createdDate': {'S': '2021-10-29T11:01:52.172Z'}, 'marketingCampaignId': {'S': 'NCPQCARD20210913'}, 'productLine': {'S': 'credit card'}, 'status': {'S': 'new'}, 'offerAmount': {'S': '0'}, 'pqCode': {'S': '347384022'}, 'prospectOfferCode': {'S': '1000100010003000'}, 'customerType': {'S': 'NC'}, 'id': {'S': 'e8b3d41d-ac0b-4790-9147-ee5b409b9a13'}, 'updatedDate': {'S': '2021-10-29T11:01:52.172Z'}, 'personalInfo': {'firstName': {'S': 'RONALD_1'}, 'lastName': {'S': 'curran_1'}, 'phoneNumber': {'S': '2083176132.0'}, 'last4Ssn': {'S': '6904'}, 'residentialAddress': {'zip': {'S': '83202'}, 'addressLine1': {'S': '5085 GALENA ST'}, 'addressLine2': {'S': ''}, 'state': {'S': 'ID'}, 'city': {'S': 'POCATELLO'}}}}
## Caught an exception while deleting the data.. Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in Item.personalInfo: "firstName", must be one of: S, N, B, SS, NS, BS, M, L, NULL, BOOL
Unknown parameter in Item.personalInfo: "lastName", must be one of: S, N, B, SS, NS, BS, M, L, NULL, BOOL
Unknown parameter in Item.personalInfo: "phoneNumber", must be one of: S, N, B, SS, NS, BS, M, L, NULL, BOOL
Unknown parameter in Item.personalInfo: "last4Ssn", must be one of: S, N, B, SS, NS, BS, M, L, NULL, BOOL
Unknown parameter in Item.personalInfo: "residentialAddress", must be one of: S, N, B, SS, NS, BS, M, L, NULL, BOOL