const { createReadStream } = require('fs');
// wrapping everything in async function so await can be used
// not needed when global await is available
(async () => {
// create readable stream
const stream = createReadStream('lorem.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' })
// get readLine function instance
const { readLine } = await createReader(stream)
// read 100 lines, you can read as many as you want
// don't have to read all at once
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
// readLine factory
async function createReader(stream) {
// current bytes
let bytes = ''
// await for stream to load and be readable
await new Promise(r => stream.once('readable', r))
// return readLine function
return {
readLine() {
let index
// while there is no new line symbol in current bytes
while ((index = bytes.indexOf('\n')) === -1) {
// read some data from stream
const data =
// if data is null it means that the file ended
if (data === null) {
// if no bytes left just return null
if (!bytes) return null
// if there are some bytes left return them and clear bytes
const rest = bytes
bytes = ''
return rest
bytes += data
// get characters till new line
const line = bytes.slice(0, index)
// remove first line from current bytes
bytes = bytes.slice(index + 1)
// return the first line
return line