将can绑定到性能示例时出现 typescript 错误

bsxbgnwa  于 2023-01-06  发布在  TypeScript


import { createCanBoundTo } from '@casl/react';

import ability from './abilities';

export const Can = createCanBoundTo(ability);

导出的变量'Can'具有或正在使用来自外部模块"C:/Users/ahmefa04/Documents/SourceCode/temp-cd-next/node_modules/@casl/react/dist/types/factory"的名称'BoundCanClass',但不能命名为. ts(4023)
编辑:我在factory. d. ts文件中导出了BoundCanClass,但是当我尝试在应用程序中使用can时:

<Can I="view" on="all">
        <Button size="small" onClick={handleUpdateRow}>
          Update a user

No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 2, '(props: BoundCanProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>>, context?: any): Can<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { ...; }>, true>', gave the following error. Type '{ children: Element[]; I: string; on: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & (IntrinsicClassAttributes<Can<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>, true>> & (Readonly<...> & Readonly<...>))'. Property 'this' is missing in type '{ children: Element[]; I: string; on: string; }' but required in type 'Readonly<{ I: string; this: AnyRecord; field?: string | undefined; } & BoundCanExtraProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>>>'. Overload 2 of 2, '(props: BoundCanProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>>, context?: any): Component<BoundCanProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { ...; }>>, any, any>', gave the following error. Type '{ children: Element[]; I: string; on: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & (IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<BoundCanProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>>, any, any>> & (Readonly<...> & Readonly<...>))'. Property 'this' is missing in type '{ children: Element[]; I: string; on: string; }' but required in type 'Readonly<{ I: string; this: AnyRecord; field?: string | undefined; } & BoundCanExtraProps<Ability<AbilityTuple<string, Subject>, { published: boolean; }>>>'.ts(2769)



出现问题的原因是I应该与aanthis prop 一起使用,要使用on,您应该使用do

<Can I="view" a="all">
   <Button size="small" onClick={handleUpdateRow}>
      Update a user

<Can do="view" on="all">
   <Button size="small" onClick={handleUpdateRow}>
      Update a user

