private Biome[,] Generate(string worldSeed, Vector2Int targetChunk, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, float centroidsPerChunk)
//Calculate the NeighboursToGenerate depeding on the cendroids per Chunk value
int chunkNeighboursToGenerate = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(1f / centroidsPerChunk * 12.5f));
int chunkSize = 8;
//Create List that contains all centroids of the chunk
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
//Create Centdroids for every chunk of the generated region around the targetchunk
for (int chunkX = targetChunk.x - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkX < targetChunk.x + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkX++)
for (int chunkZ = targetChunk.y - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkZ < targetChunk.y + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkZ++)
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> generatedCentdroids = GetCentdroidsByChunk(worldSeed, new(chunkX, chunkZ), centroidsPerChunk, chunkSize, multiplier, targetChunk, chunkNeighboursToGenerate);
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) generatedCentdroid in generatedCentdroids)
Biome[,] biomeMap = new Biome[chunkSize, chunkSize];
//---Generate biomeMap of the target Chunk---
for (int tx = 0; tx < chunkSize; tx++)
for (int tz = 0; tz < chunkSize; tz++)
int x = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tx;
int z = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tz;
biomeMap[tz, tx] = GetClosestCentroidBiome(new(x, z), centroids.ToArray());
//Return the biome map of the target chunk
return biomeMap;
private static List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> GetCentdroidsByChunk(string worldSeed, Vector2Int chunkToGenerate, float centroidsPerChunk, int chunkSize, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, Vector2Int targetChunk, int chunkNeighboursToGenerate)
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
//---Generate Cendroids of a single chunk---
float centroidsInThisChunk = centroidsPerChunk;
//Init randomizer
System.Random randomInstance = new(Randomizer.GetSeed(worldSeed, chunkToGenerate.x, chunkToGenerate.y));
while (centroidsInThisChunk > 0.0f)
//if at least one more centroid is to generate do it
//if not randomize by the given probability if another one should be generated
if (centroidsInThisChunk >= 1 || (float)randomInstance.NextDouble() * (1 - 0) + 0 <= centroidsInThisChunk)
//Generate random point for a new centroid
Vector2Int pos = new(randomInstance.Next(0, chunkSize + 1), randomInstance.Next(0, chunkSize + 1));
//map the point to a zerobased coordinatesystem
int mappedX = (((chunkToGenerate.x - targetChunk.x) + chunkNeighboursToGenerate) * chunkSize) + pos.x;
int mappedZ = (((chunkToGenerate.y - targetChunk.y) + chunkNeighboursToGenerate) * chunkSize) + pos.y;
Vector2Int mappedPos = new Vector2Int(mappedX, mappedZ);
//Select the biom randomized
Biome biome = Randomizer.GetRandomBiom(randomInstance, multiplier);
centroids.Add(new(mappedPos, biome));
centroidsInThisChunk -= 1.0f;
//if no centroid is left to generate, end the loop
return centroids;
//Calculates the closest Centroid to the given possition
Biome GetClosestCentroidBiome(Vector2Int pixelPos, IEnumerable<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids)
//Warp the possition so the biom borders won't be straight
//Vector2 warpedPos = pixelPos + Get2DTurbulence(pixelPos);
Vector2 warpedPos = pixelPos;
float smallestDst = float.MaxValue;
Biome closestBiome = Biome.Empty;
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) centroid in centroids)
float distance = Vector2.Distance(warpedPos, centroid.Item1);
if (distance < smallestDst)
smallestDst = distance;
closestBiome = centroid.Item2;
return closestBiome;
public static class Randomizer
//Generates a random integerseed by combining an hashing the inputvalues
public static int GetSeed(string worldSeed, int chunkx, int chunkz)
var stringSeed = worldSeed + ":" + chunkx + ";" + chunkz;
MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create();
byte[] hashed = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringSeed));
return BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0);
//Returns a random biome based on the given properbilities/multiplier
//multiplier = 2 for example means the biom is generated twice as often as usually
public static Biome GetRandomBiom(System.Random rndm, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier)
float multmax = 0.0f;
multiplier.ForEach(x => multmax += x.Item2);
//Generate a random value that is in the range of all multiplieres added
float biome = (float)rndm.NextDouble() * (multmax + 0.01f);
//Map the biome to the multipliers and return the biome
float multcalc = 0.0f;
for (int r = 0; r < multiplier.Count; r++)
multcalc += multiplier[r].Item2;
if (multcalc >= biome)
return multiplier[r].Item1;
//Return Biome.Empty if something did't worked correct
return Biome.Empty;
private Biome[,] Generate(string worldSeed, Vector2Int targetChunk, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, float centroidsPerChunk)
//Calculate the NeighboursToGenerate depeding on the cendroids per Chunk value
int chunkNeighboursToGenerate = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(1f / centroidsPerChunk * 12.5f));
int chunkSize = 8;
//Create List that contains all centroids of the chunk
ConcurrentBag<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
ConcurrentQueue<Task> tasks = new();
//Create Centdroids for every chunk of the generated region around the targetchunk
for (int chunkX = targetChunk.x - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkX < targetChunk.x + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkX++)
for (int chunkZ = targetChunk.y - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkZ < targetChunk.y + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkZ++)
tasks.Enqueue(Task.Run(() =>
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> generatedCentdroids = GetCentdroidsByChunk(worldSeed, new(chunkX, chunkZ), centroidsPerChunk, chunkSize, multiplier, targetChunk, chunkNeighboursToGenerate);
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) generatedCentdroid in generatedCentdroids)
Biome[,] biomeMap = new Biome[chunkSize, chunkSize];
//---Generate biomeMap of the target Chunk---
for (int tx = 0; tx < chunkSize; tx++)
for (int tz = 0; tz < chunkSize; tz++)
int x = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tx;
int z = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tz;
biomeMap[tz, tx] = GetClosestCentroidBiome(new(x, z), centroids.ToArray());
//Return the biome map of the target chunk
return biomeMap;
如果你刚开始编程,并且你想学习多线程,那么像这样转换一大段复杂的代码并不是你想要开始的地方。我强烈建议你在开始这样的事情之前,先阅读一本关于C#/.NET中线程/异步的书籍或教程。Unity也有自己的多线程库及其Job System,它是为Unity工作流构建的:https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/JobSystemMultithreading.html