
uoifb46i  于 2023-01-15  发布在  其他


"+++++++++ 1.2 LifeTime Cost and Emissions +++++++++","<TABLE>"
" ","year1","year2","year3","year4","year5","year6","year7","year8","year9","year10","year11","year12","year13","year14","year15","year16","year17","year18","year19","year20","year21","year22","year23","year24","year25","<HEADER>"
"Total Annual Energy Costs (incl. annualized capital costs and electricity sales) ($)",-560.9845,353.4204,451.6855,514.2567,523.2091,572.8177,622.6726,632.3996,642.4129,652.7211,663.3330,674.2575,1458.1040,617.1780,661.0587,692.5061,705.1385,732.5260,760.2972,774.0806,788.2706,802.8795,817.9194,833.4033,849.3444
"Total Annual CO2 emissions (kg)",387734.0330,387734.0330,387736.8925,387736.8925,387736.8925,387738.4191,387738.4191,387738.4191,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886
"Levelized Cost Of Energy ($/kWh)",-0.1738,0.1095,0.1404,0.1598,0.1626,0.1786,0.1942,0.1972,0.2003,0.2035,0.2069,0.2103,0.4547,0.1925,0.2061,0.2159,0.2199,0.2284,0.2371,0.2414,0.2458,0.2504,0.2551,0.2599,0.2649


const csvFilePath = 'Result_Lifetime002.csv';
const json = await csvToJson().fromFile(csvFilePath);
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);


const result = [
        "+++++++++ 1.2 LifeTime Cost and Emissions +++++++++":"Total Annual Energy Costs (incl. annualized capital costs and electricity sales) ($)",
        "year1": -560.9845,
        "year2": 353.4204,
        "year3": 451.6855,
        "year4": 514.2567,
        "year5": 523.2091,
        "year6": 572.8177,
        "year7": 622.6726,
        "year8": 632.3996,
        "year9": 642.4129,
        "year10": 652.7211,
        "year11": 663.3330,
        "year12": 674.2575,
        "year13": 1458.1040,
        "year14": 617.1780,
        "year15": 661.0587,
        "year16": 692.5061,
        "year17": 705.1385,
        "year18": 732.5260,
        "year19": 760.2972,
        "year20": 774.0806,
        "year21": 788.2706,
        "year22": 802.8795,
        "year23": 817.9194,
        "year24": 833.4033,
        "year25": 849.3444
        "+++++++++ 1.2 LifeTime Cost and Emissions +++++++++":"Total Annual CO2 emissions (kg)",
        "year1": 387734.0330,
        "year2": 387734.0330,
        "year3": 387736.8925,
        "year4": 387736.8925,
        "year5": 387736.8925,
        "year6": 387738.4191,
        "year7": 387738.4191,
        "year8": 387738.4191,
        "year9": 387738.8886,
        "year10": 387738.8886,
        "year11": 387738.8886,
        "year12": 387738.8886,
        "year13": 387738.8886,
        "year14": 387738.8886,
        "year15": 387738.8886,
        "year16": 387738.8886,
        "year17": 387738.8886,
        "year18": 387738.8886,
        "year19": 387738.8886,
        "year20": 387738.8886,
        "year21": 387738.8886,
        "year22": 387738.8886,
        "year23": 387738.8886,
        "year24": 387738.8886,
        "year25": 387738.8886,
        "+++++++++ 1.2 LifeTime Cost and Emissions +++++++++":"Levelized Cost Of Energy ($/kWh)",
        "year1": -0.1738,
        "year2": 0.1095,
        "year3": 0.1404,
        "year4": 0.1598,
        "year5": 0.1626,
        "year6": 0.1786,
        "year7": 0.1942,
        "year8": 0.1972,
        "year9": 0.2003,
        "year10": 0.2035,
        "year11": 0.2069,
        "year12": 0.2103,
        "year13": 0.4547,
        "year14": 0.1925,
        "year15": 0.2061,
        "year16": 0.2159,
        "year17": 0.2199,
        "year18": 0.2284,
        "year19": 0.2371,
        "year20": 0.2414,
        "year21": 0.2458,
        "year22": 0.2504,
        "year23": 0.2551,
        "year24": 0.2599,
        "year25": 0.2649



var data = `
+++++++++ 1.2 LifeTime Cost and Emissions +++++++++,<TABLE>
Total Annual Energy Costs (incl. annualized capital costs and electricity sales) ($),-560.9845,353.4204,451.6855,514.2567,523.2091,572.8177,622.6726,632.3996,642.4129,652.7211,663.3330,674.2575,1458.1040,617.1780,661.0587,692.5061,705.1385,732.5260,760.2972,774.0806,788.2706,802.8795,817.9194,833.4033,849.3444
Total Annual CO2 emissions (kg),387734.0330,387734.0330,387736.8925,387736.8925,387736.8925,387738.4191,387738.4191,387738.4191,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886,387738.8886
Levelized Cost Of Energy ($/kWh),-0.1738,0.1095,0.1404,0.1598,0.1626,0.1786,0.1942,0.1972,0.2003,0.2035,0.2069,0.2103,0.4547,0.1925,0.2061,0.2159,0.2199,0.2284,0.2371,0.2414,0.2458,0.2504,0.2551,0.2599,0.2649

// Create an array by splitting the CSV by newline
data = data.trim().split(/\r?\n/);

// Extract the first index, since we want to repeat it later on as
// the first key of every JSON element of your resulting array
// This is the long string with the pluses
/* remove this multiline comment to see the contents of data[0]
var title = data[0].split(",")[0];

// Extract the other main keys - years
var innerKeys = data[1].trim().split(",");

// Remove the the last one, since we don't need it - <HEADER>

// Prepare the array for our results
var results = [];

// Loop through indivdual rows, and split by comma / ,
// We'll skip the first two, since we've dealt with them
// data[0] being the row with the long string with the pluses
// and data[1] being the row containing the years

for(var i = 2; i < data.length; i++) {
    // Let's clean any trailing empty characters
    var tempRow = data[i].trim();

    // If there's anything we can work with
    if(tempRow) {
        // Create an array from the values in the current line
        tempRow = tempRow.split(",");

        // Let's get the value for our first keys
        // These are the Total Annual etc strings from your CSV
        var tempTitle = tempRow[0];

        // Let's declare and fill our temp object
        var innerJSON = {};

        // The first key is the one with the pluses
        // and its value is the Total Annual etc string
        innerJSON[title] = tempTitle;
        for(var j = 1; j < tempRow.length; j++) {
            // Let's fill the years and give them matching values
            innerJSON[innerKeys[j]] = tempRow[j];

        // All done, add it to the resulting array


现在,如果我们要从CSV文件中读取data变量的内容,那么使用FileReader object就可以了。

var data = "";
var reader = new FileReader();
// I'm assuming you have an input element, whose type is file
// and that you read from it
reader = readAsText(document.getElementById("myFileInput").files[0]);

reader.addEventListener('load',function() {
    data = reader.result;

