带有动态n × 2多维数组的C qsort()

ukqbszuj  于 2023-01-16  发布在  其他


int** array;
int number = 10;

array = malloc(number * sizeof(int*));

for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
    array[i] = malloc(2 * sizeof(int));


qsort( array, number, sizeof array[0], compare );


int compare ( const void *pa, const void *pb ) {
    int (*a)[1] = pa;
    int (*b)[1] = pb;
    if ( (a[0][0] < b[0][0]) || (a[0][0] == b[0][0])&&(a[1][0] < b[1][0]) ) return -1;
    if ( (a[0][0] > b[0][0]) || (a[0][0] == b[0][0])&&(a[1][0] > b[1][0]) ) return +1;
    return 0;
    • 问题**





#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int compare ( const void *pa, const void *pb ) {
    const int *a = *(const int **)pa;
    const int *b = *(const int **)pb;
    if(a[0] == b[0])
        return a[1] - b[1];
        return a[0] - b[0];
#define NUMCMP(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? -1 : ((x) > (y)) ? 1 : 0)

int compare ( const void *pa, const void *pb ) {
    const int (*a)[2] = *(const int (**)[2])pa;
    const int (*b)[2] = *(const int (**)[2])pb;
    int tmp;
    if((tmp=NUMCMP((*a)[0], (*b)[0]))==0)
        return NUMCMP((*a)[1], (*b)[1]);
        return tmp;
int main(void){
    int **array;
    int number = 10;
    int i;

    array = malloc(number * sizeof(int*));
    for (i = 0; i < number; i++){
        array[i] = malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
        array[i][0] = rand()%20;
        array[i][1] = rand()%20;
    for(i = 0;i < number;++i)
        printf("%2d, %2d\n", array[i][0], array[i][1]);


    qsort(array, number, sizeof array[0], compare);

    for(i = 0;i < number;++i)
        printf("%2d, %2d\n", array[i][0], array[i][1]);

    return 0;


数组= {(整数 *),(整数 *),(整数 *),...,(整数 *)}
例如&(整数 *),&(整数 *)
因此(int **)传递给函数compare。
调用compare(int **, int **)&(int*)表示参数int**
比较函数原型是cmp(const void*, const void*)
将转换(const int**)pa转换为传递的原始指针。
*((const int **)pa)是取消引用的原始元素指针(int*




int *const *a = pa;
int *const *b = pb;

在第一级解引用之后,你可以做任何你需要做的事情来检查被比较的元素,因为你的数组元素本身就是指向数组的指针(每个2 x 1 m 12 n 1 x),int可以作为a[0][0]a[0][1]b[0][0]b[0][1]进行访问。请注意,这与a[1][0]b[1][0]的顺序相反。




static int compareMatrixElements(const void *p1, const void *p2)
    return ((*(int const *) p1) - (*(int const *) p2));

void sortMatrix(int** matrix, int r, int c)
    int sort_matrix[r][c];

    for(int i = 0; i < r; i++) {

        memcpy(sort_matrix[i], matrix[i], c * sizeof(int));

    qsort(sort_matrix, r*c, sizeof(int), compareMatrixElements);

    for(int i = 0; i < r; i++) {

        memcpy(matrix[i], sort_matrix[i], c * sizeof(int));

在我上面的代码中,我直接使用了qsort API,你可以在一个连续的内存上使用这个API或者其他排序算法,但是如果你有一个矩阵,它的行是指向它的列的内存的指针呢(就像在我的情况下,以及在这个线程的问题中描述的)。因此,我复制这样的矩阵到一个连续的内存中,对该连续存储器运行排序,并将排序后的元素复制回矩阵。



const int *a = *(const int **)pa;
const int *b = *(const int **)pb;


const int *a = pa;
const int *b = pb;

因为pa是const void *(数组[0]),它很好地转换为const int *



const int (*a)[2] = *(const int (**)[2])pa;
const int (*b)[2] = *(const int (**)[2])pb;


const int (*a)[2] = (int(*)[])pa;
const int (*b)[2] = (int(*)[])pb;


//(C) Adam W. 
    using namespace std;
   // If needed, change all instances of "float" with "int","double" etc.
   // Qsort algorithm from scratch, using 2 dimentional dynamic array
    float MyPartition(float MyArray[], int SortFromRowNumber,int SortInColumnNumber,int RowX, int Rows, int Columns);
    void MyQuickSort(float MyArray[], int SortFromRowNumber,int SortInColumnNumber,int RowX, int Rows,int Columns);
int main()
        int Rows, Columns, SortFromRowNumber, SortInColumnNumber,RowX;
        Rows = 4;                                  //how many Rows    in matrix
        Columns = 4;                               //how many Columns in matrix
        SortFromRowNumber = 0;                     //start sorting from specified  row
        SortInColumnNumber = 0;                    //Sort in specified column
        RowX = Rows;                               //Used for counting cells in RAM
        float *MyArray = new float [Rows*Columns]{};    //create dynamic array
    //             Row       Column   Data
    //              |          |       |    
        *(MyArray + 0 + (RowX* 0 )) = 4.1 ;            //First  column  assign  data RAM cell 0
        *(MyArray + 1 + (RowX* 0 )) = 3.1 ;            //First  column  assign  data RAM cell 1
        *(MyArray + 2 + (RowX* 0 )) = 2.1 ;            //First  column  assign  data RAM cell 2
        *(MyArray + 3 + (RowX* 0 )) = 1.1 ;            //First  column  assign  data RAM cell 3
        *(MyArray + 0 + (RowX* 1 )) = 4.2 ;            //Second column  assign  data RAM cell 4
        *(MyArray + 1 + (RowX* 1 )) = 2.2 ;            //Second column  assign  data RAM cell 5
        *(MyArray + 2 + (RowX* 1 )) = 3.2 ;            //Second column  assign  data RAM cell 6
        *(MyArray + 3 + (RowX* 1 )) = 1.2 ;            //Second column  assign  data RAM cell 7
        *(MyArray + 0 + (RowX* 2 )) = 3.3 ;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 8
        *(MyArray + 1 + (RowX* 2 )) = 4.3 ;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 9
        *(MyArray + 2 + (RowX* 2 )) = 1.3 ;            //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 10
        *(MyArray + 3 + (RowX* 2 )) = 2.3 ;            //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 11
        *(MyArray + 0 + (RowX* 3 )) = 2.4;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 12
        *(MyArray + 1 + (RowX* 3 )) = 3.4 ;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 13
        *(MyArray + 2 + (RowX* 3 )) = 4.4 ;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 14
        *(MyArray + 3 + (RowX* 3 )) = 1.4 ;           //Third  column  assign  data RAM cell 15
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " " ;   //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Fourth column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Fourth column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl ;  //Fourth column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl ;  //Fourth column output data
        cout <<"------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
        MyQuickSort (MyArray,SortFromRowNumber,SortInColumnNumber,RowX,Rows-1,Columns); //sort data
        cout << "sorted in col:" ;
        cout << SortInColumnNumber;
        cout << "  from row:" ;
        cout <<SortFromRowNumber<< endl;
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " " ;   //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 0 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 1 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Third column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 2 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Third column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 0 ))<< " ";    //First  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 1 ))<< " " ;   //Second column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 2 ))<< " ";    //Third  column output data
        cout << *(MyArray+ 3 +(RowX* 3 ))<< endl;   //Third column output data
        delete [] MyArray;
        return 0;
float MyPartition(float MyArray[], int SortFromRowNumber,int SortInColumnNumber,int RowX, int Rows, int Columns)
             float x = MyArray[SortFromRowNumber+(SortInColumnNumber*RowX)];
             int i = SortFromRowNumber, j = Rows;
             float TemporaryForCopying;
             while (true)
                   while (MyArray[j+SortInColumnNumber*RowX] > x) j--;
                   while (MyArray[i+SortInColumnNumber*RowX] < x) i++;
                   if (i < j)
                      for (int k=0;k<Columns;k++)
                         TemporaryForCopying = MyArray[i+k*RowX];
                         MyArray[i+k*RowX] = MyArray[j+k*RowX];
                         MyArray[j+k*RowX] = TemporaryForCopying;
                    {return j;}
void MyQuickSort(float MyArray[], int SortFromRowNumber,int SortInColumnNumber,int RowX, int Rows,int Columns)
         int SplitPoint;
         if (SortFromRowNumber < Rows)
            SplitPoint = MyPartition(MyArray,SortFromRowNumber,SortInColumnNumber,RowX,Rows, Columns);//split table
            MyQuickSort(MyArray, SortFromRowNumber,SortInColumnNumber,RowX, SplitPoint,Columns);    //sort in split1
            MyQuickSort(MyArray, SplitPoint+1,SortInColumnNumber,RowX, Rows,Columns);               //sort in split2


对于此静态数组,数组[0]的大小将为“2 * sizeof(int)"。

int array[10][2];


int **array;

