
brqmpdu1  于 2023-01-17  发布在  其他


import cv2

background = cv2.imread('field.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('dice.png')

# Help please

cv2.imwrite('combined.png', background)


Background Image



import cv2

background = cv2.imread('field.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('dice.png')

added_image = cv2.addWeighted(background,0.4,overlay,0.1,0)

cv2.imwrite('combined.png', added_image)




import cv2

background = cv2.imread("background.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
foreground = cv2.imread("overlay.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# normalize alpha channels from 0-255 to 0-1
alpha_background = background[:,:,3] / 255.0
alpha_foreground = foreground[:,:,3] / 255.0

# set adjusted colors
for color in range(0, 3):
    background[:,:,color] = alpha_foreground * foreground[:,:,color] + \
        alpha_background * background[:,:,color] * (1 - alpha_foreground)

# set adjusted alpha and denormalize back to 0-255
background[:,:,3] = (1 - (1 - alpha_foreground) * (1 - alpha_background)) * 255

# display the image
cv2.imshow("Composited image", background)



import cv2
import numpy as np

def overlay_transparent(background, overlay, x, y):

    background_width = background.shape[1]
    background_height = background.shape[0]

    if x >= background_width or y >= background_height:
        return background

    h, w = overlay.shape[0], overlay.shape[1]

    if x + w > background_width:
        w = background_width - x
        overlay = overlay[:, :w]

    if y + h > background_height:
        h = background_height - y
        overlay = overlay[:h]

    if overlay.shape[2] < 4:
        overlay = np.concatenate(
                np.ones((overlay.shape[0], overlay.shape[1], 1), dtype = overlay.dtype) * 255
            axis = 2,

    overlay_image = overlay[..., :3]
    mask = overlay[..., 3:] / 255.0

    background[y:y+h, x:x+w] = (1.0 - mask) * background[y:y+h, x:x+w] + mask * overlay_image

    return background





background = cv2.imread('road.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('traffic sign.png')

rows,cols,channels = overlay.shape

overlay=cv2.addWeighted(background[250:250+rows, 0:0+cols],0.5,overlay,0.5,0)

background[250:250+rows, 0:0+cols ] = overlay


注意,我使用了大小为400 x300的背景图像和大小为32 x32的覆盖图像,根据我为它设置的坐标显示在背景图像的x[0-32]和y[250-282]部分,首先计算混合,然后将计算出的混合放在图像中我想要的部分。





import cv2

background = cv2.imread('field.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('dice.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # IMREAD_UNCHANGED => open image with the alpha channel

height, width = overlay.shape[:2]
for y in range(height):
    for x in range(width):
        overlay_color = overlay[y, x, :3]  # first three elements are color (RGB)
        overlay_alpha = overlay[y, x, 3] / 255  # 4th element is the alpha channel, convert from 0-255 to 0.0-1.0

        # get the color from the background image
        background_color = background[y, x]

        # combine the background color and the overlay color weighted by alpha
        composite_color = background_color * (1 - overlay_alpha) + overlay_color * overlay_alpha

        # update the background image in place
        background[y, x] = composite_color

cv2.imwrite('combined.png', background)

结果:x1c 0d1x



  • 注:这是我第一次真实的尝试numpy,所以可能有比我提出的方法更好/更快的方法。*
import cv2
import numpy as np

background = cv2.imread('field.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('dice.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # IMREAD_UNCHANGED => open image with the alpha channel

# separate the alpha channel from the color channels
alpha_channel = overlay[:, :, 3] / 255 # convert from 0-255 to 0.0-1.0
overlay_colors = overlay[:, :, :3]

# To take advantage of the speed of numpy and apply transformations to the entire image with a single operation
# the arrays need to be the same shape. However, the shapes currently looks like this:
#    - overlay_colors shape:(width, height, 3)  3 color values for each pixel, (red, green, blue)
#    - alpha_channel  shape:(width, height, 1)  1 single alpha value for each pixel
# We will construct an alpha_mask that has the same shape as the overlay_colors by duplicate the alpha channel
# for each color so there is a 1:1 alpha channel for each color channel
alpha_mask = np.dstack((alpha_channel, alpha_channel, alpha_channel))

# The background image is larger than the overlay so we'll take a subsection of the background that matches the
# dimensions of the overlay.
# NOTE: For simplicity, the overlay is applied to the top-left corner of the background(0,0). An x and y offset
# could be used to place the overlay at any position on the background.
h, w = overlay.shape[:2]
background_subsection = background[0:h, 0:w]

# combine the background with the overlay image weighted by alpha
composite = background_subsection * (1 - alpha_mask) + overlay_colors * alpha_mask

# overwrite the section of the background image that has been updated
background[0:h, 0:w] = composite

cv2.imwrite('combined.png', background)


Package 在函数中


import cv2
import numpy as np

def add_transparent_image(background, foreground, x_offset=None, y_offset=None):
    bg_h, bg_w, bg_channels = background.shape
    fg_h, fg_w, fg_channels = foreground.shape

    assert bg_channels == 3, f'background image should have exactly 3 channels (RGB). found:{bg_channels}'
    assert fg_channels == 4, f'foreground image should have exactly 4 channels (RGBA). found:{fg_channels}'

    # center by default
    if x_offset is None: x_offset = (bg_w - fg_w) // 2
    if y_offset is None: y_offset = (bg_h - fg_h) // 2

    w = min(fg_w, bg_w, fg_w + x_offset, bg_w - x_offset)
    h = min(fg_h, bg_h, fg_h + y_offset, bg_h - y_offset)

    if w < 1 or h < 1: return

    # clip foreground and background images to the overlapping regions
    bg_x = max(0, x_offset)
    bg_y = max(0, y_offset)
    fg_x = max(0, x_offset * -1)
    fg_y = max(0, y_offset * -1)
    foreground = foreground[fg_y:fg_y + h, fg_x:fg_x + w]
    background_subsection = background[bg_y:bg_y + h, bg_x:bg_x + w]

    # separate alpha and color channels from the foreground image
    foreground_colors = foreground[:, :, :3]
    alpha_channel = foreground[:, :, 3] / 255  # 0-255 => 0.0-1.0

    # construct an alpha_mask that matches the image shape
    alpha_mask = np.dstack((alpha_channel, alpha_channel, alpha_channel))

    # combine the background with the overlay image weighted by alpha
    composite = background_subsection * (1 - alpha_mask) + foreground_colors * alpha_mask

    # overwrite the section of the background image that has been updated
    background[bg_y:bg_y + h, bg_x:bg_x + w] = composite


background = cv2.imread('field.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('dice.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # IMREAD_UNCHANGED => open image with the alpha channel

x_offset = 0
y_offset = 0
print("arrow keys to move the dice. ESC to quit")
while True:
    img = background.copy()
    add_transparent_image(img, overlay, x_offset, y_offset)

    cv2.imshow("", img)
    key = cv2.waitKey()
    if key == 0: y_offset -= 10  # up
    if key == 1: y_offset += 10  # down
    if key == 2: x_offset -= 10  # left
    if key == 3: x_offset += 10  # right
    if key == 27: break  # escape




Mat overlay = cv::imread("dice.png", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);


 * @brief Draws a transparent image over a frame Mat.
 * @param frame the frame where the transparent image will be drawn
 * @param transp the Mat image with transparency, read from a PNG image, with the IMREAD_UNCHANGED flag
 * @param xPos x position of the frame image where the image will start.
 * @param yPos y position of the frame image where the image will start.
void drawTransparency(Mat frame, Mat transp, int xPos, int yPos) {
    Mat mask;
    vector<Mat> layers;

    split(transp, layers); // seperate channels
    Mat rgb[3] = { layers[0],layers[1],layers[2] };
    mask = layers[3]; // png's alpha channel used as mask
    merge(rgb, 3, transp);  // put together the RGB channels, now transp insn't transparent 
    transp.copyTo(frame.rowRange(yPos, yPos + transp.rows).colRange(xPos, xPos + transp.cols), mask);


drawTransparency(background, overlay, 10, 10);



import cv2
import numpy as np
def logoOverlay(image,logo,alpha=1.0,x=0, y=0, scale=1.0):
    (h, w) = image.shape[:2]
    image = np.dstack([image, np.ones((h, w), dtype="uint8") * 255])
    overlay = cv2.resize(logo, None,fx=scale,fy=scale)
    (wH, wW) = overlay.shape[:2]
    output = image.copy()
    # blend the two images together using transparent overlays
        if x<0 : x = w+x
        if y<0 : y = h+y
        if x+wW > w: wW = w-x  
        if y+wH > h: wH = h-y
        overlay=cv2.addWeighted(output[y:y+wH, x:x+wW],alpha,overlay[:wH,:wW],1.0,0)
        output[y:y+wH, x:x+wW ] = overlay
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: Logo position is overshooting image!")
    output= output[:,:,:3]
    return output


background = cv2.imread('image.jpeg')
overlay = cv2.imread('logo.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
print(overlay.shape) # must be (x,y,4)
print(background.shape) # must be (x,y,3)

# downscale logo by half and position on bottom right reference
out = logoOverlay(background,overlay,scale=0.5,y=-100,x=-100) 


import cv2
import numpy as np

background = cv2.imread('background.jpg')
overlay = cv2.imread('cloudy.png')
overlay = cv2.resize(overlay, (200,200))
# overlay = for_transparent_removal(overlay)
h, w = overlay.shape[:2]
shapes = np.zeros_like(background, np.uint8)
shapes[0:h, 0:w] = overlay
alpha = 0.8
mask = shapes.astype(bool)

# option first
background[mask] = cv2.addWeighted(shapes, alpha, shapes, 1 - alpha, 0)[mask]
cv2.imwrite('combined.png', background)
# option second
background[mask] = cv2.addWeighted(background, alpha, overlay, 1 - alpha, 0)[mask]
# NOTE : above both option will give you image overlays but effect would be changed
cv2.imwrite('combined.1.png', background)



使用此函数将覆盖图放置在任何背景图像上。如果要调整覆盖图的大小,请使用此overlay = cv2.resize(overlay, (200,200)),然后将调整大小后的覆盖图传递给此函数。

import cv2
import numpy as np

def image_overlay_second_method(img1, img2, location, min_thresh=0, is_transparent=False):
    h, w = img1.shape[:2]
    h1, w1 = img2.shape[:2]
    x, y = location
    roi = img1[y:y + h1, x:x + w1]

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    _, mask = cv2.threshold(gray, min_thresh, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)

    img_bg = cv2.bitwise_and(roi, roi, mask=mask_inv)
    img_fg = cv2.bitwise_and(img2, img2, mask=mask)
    dst = cv2.add(img_bg, img_fg)
    if is_transparent:
        dst = cv2.addWeighted(img1[y:y + h1, x:x + w1], 0.1, dst, 0.9, None)
    img1[y:y + h1, x:x + w1] = dst
    return img1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    background = cv2.imread('background.jpg')
    overlay = cv2.imread('overlay.png')
    output = image_overlay_third_method(background, overlay, location=(800,50), min_thresh=0, is_transparent=True)
    cv2.imwrite('output.png', output)

背景. jpg

输出. png
