typescript 基于类ORM模型的枚举类型推理

wpx232ag  于 2023-01-18  发布在  TypeScript

我有一个enum DataType { NUMBER, STRING }和一个对象。

function converter(...): infer type here { ... }

const example = converter({ id: DataType.NUMBER, name: DataType.STRING });

ts.typeof example.id === number
ts.typeof example.name === string


class Model {
    public get(... columns: string[]) {
        // ...

class User extends Model {
    public columns: {
        id: DataType.NUMBER,
        name: DataType.STRING,
        age: DataType.NUMBER

const user = new User.get("id", "name")

ts.typeof user === { id: number, name: string }


function convert<T extends Record<string, DataType>>(schema: T) {
     return {} as ConvertedType = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends DataType.NUMBER ? number : T[K] extends DataType.STRING ? string : never };


interface Schema {
  [k: string]: DataType

type SchemaReturn<S extends Schema, C extends keyof S> = {
    [K in C]: S[K] extends DataType.NUMBER ? number : S[K] extends DataType.STRING ? string : never;

abstract class Model {
  public schema: Schema = {};
  public select<C extends keyof this["schema"]>(... columns: C[]) {
    return {} as SchemaReturn<typeof this["schema"], C>;

class User extends Model {
  public schema = {
    id: DataType.NUMBER,
    name: DataType.STRING,
    age: DataType.NUMBER

const user = new User;
const data = user.select("id", "name");

data.id; // Must be `number` but got `never`
data.name; // Must be `string` but got `never`



const DataType = {
  NUMBER: 0,
  STRING: 1,
} as const;

interface Schema {
  [k: string]: typeof DataType[keyof typeof DataType];

type SchemaReturn<S extends Schema, C extends keyof S> = {
  [K in C] 
    : S[K] extends typeof DataType.NUMBER ? number
    : S[K] extends typeof DataType.STRING ? string
    : never;

class User extends Model {
  public schema = {
    // And here are the odd ones:
    id: DataType.NUMBER, // ts.typeof id === 0 (but expected to keeped DataType.NUMBER)
    name: DataType.STRING, // ts.typeof id === 1 (but expected to keeped DataType.STRING)
    age: DataType.NUMBER, // ts.typeof id === 0 (but expected to keeped DataType.NUMBER)

// ...
// But here I get exactly the result I would like:
data.id; // ts.typeof data.id === number
data.name; // ts.typeof data.name === string

我愿意接受新的建议,因为我想继续使用enum而不是JS const
