static void LoadTableCsv(SqlConnection conn, string tableName, string csvFile)
// read the column schema of the target table
var cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = $"select top 0 * from {tableName}"; // beware of sql injection
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var colSchema = reader.GetColumnSchema();
// apply the column schema to the csv reader.
var csvSchema = new CsvSchema(colSchema);
var csvOpts = new CsvDataReaderOptions { Schema = csvSchema };
using var csv = CsvDataReader.Create(csvFile, csvOpts);
// Initialize SqlCommand for checking if the record already exists.
using var checkCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tablename} WHERE TicketID = @value", conn);
checkCommand.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.Int, 10, "TicketID");
using var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn);
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
bulkCopy.EnableStreaming = true;
// Iterate through the records in the CSV file.
while (csv.Read())
// Set the value of the "@value" parameter
checkCommand.Parameters["@value"].Value = csv["TicketID"].ToString();
// Execute the check command to see if the record already exists.
var checkResult = (int)checkCommand.ExecuteScalar();
if (checkResult == 0)
// The record does not exist, write it to the SQL database using SqlBulkCopy.
bulkCopy.WriteToServer(new[] { csv });
// The record already exists, update it using an UPDATE statement.
using var updateCommand = new SqlCommand("UPDATE {tablename} SET Column1 = @col1, Column2 = @col2, Column3 = @col3, Column4 = @col4, Column5 = @col5, Column6 = @col6 WHERE TicketID = @value", conn);
// Add parameters for each column you want to update, using the names and types of the columns in the target table.
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col1", SqlDbType.Int, 10, "TicketID");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "TicketTitle");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col3", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "TicketStatus");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col4", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "CustomerName");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col5", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "TechnicianFullName");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@col6", SqlDbType.DateTime, 50, "TicketResolvedDate");
updateCommand.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.Int, 10, "TicketID");
// Set the values of the parameters to the values in the current row of the CSV file.
updateCommand.Parameters["@col1"].Value = int.Parse(csv["TicketID"].ToString());
updateCommand.Parameters["@col2"].Value = csv["TicketTitle"].ToString();
updateCommand.Parameters["@col3"].Value = csv["TicketStatus"].ToString();
updateCommand.Parameters["@col4"].Value = csv["CustomerName"].ToString();
updateCommand.Parameters["@col5"].Value = csv["TechnicianFullName"].ToString();
updateCommand.Parameters["@col6"].Value = DateTime.Parse(csv["TicketResolvedDate"].ToString());
updateCommand.Parameters["@value"].Value = int.Parse(csv["TicketID"].ToString());
// Execute the update command.
Siggermanen的评论是正确的建议,您应该将所有数据批量装载到临时表中,然后使用SQL命令(s)将临时表中的数据合并到目标表中。理想情况下,您可以使用T-Sql Merge Statement来执行此操作。您还可以使用单独的update和insert语句。这需要了解表列的知识,以便创建合并数据的命令。您 * 可以 *通过阅读查询表的INFORMATION_SCHEMA来确定列和键,并使用它来动态构造merge语句,动态地执行此操作。或者,如果您在编译时知道架构,则可以硬编码语句,这将大大简化开发和测试。