Bootstrap 使用引导分页和jquery交换页面中的div

mm5n2pyu  于 2023-02-06  发布在  Bootstrap


var paginationHandler = function(){
  $('.page_control li').unbind('click', paginationHandler);
  var currentPage   = $(this).data('page');
      var   activePage   = $(this).parent().find('.active').data('page');
        var num_elements   = $(this).parent().children().length;
// This equals the first data-page value after the < button.
        var start    = 1;
 // This is the end of the actual pages, remember it is offset by the < and > buttons.
        var end     = num_elements-2;
  if(currentPage === '+' ){
      (activePage < end) ? currentPage = activePage + 1 : currentPage = start;

  if(currentPage === '-'){
      (activePage > start) ? currentPage = activePage - 1 : currentPage = end;
// Remove the active class to the li

// Add the active class to the appropriate li taking
          $(this).parent().find('li[data-page*=' + currentPage + ']').addClass('active');

$(this).parents("div .pagination-container").find('div[data-page*=' + activePage + ']').fadeOut('fast', function(){
       $(this).parents("div .pagination-container").find('div[data-page*=' + currentPage + ']').fadeIn('fast');
  $('.page_control li').bind('click', paginationHandler);
$( document ).ready( paginationHandler );


<div class="pagination-container" >
<div data-page="1" >
      <p>Content for Div Number 1</p>
   <div data-page="2" style="display:none;">
      <p>Content for Div Number 2</p>
   <div data-page="3" style="display:none;">
      <p>Content for Div Number 3</p>
   <div data-page="4" style="display:none;">
      <p>Content for Div Number 4</p>
   <div data-page="5" style="display:none;">
      <p>Content for Div Number 5</p>

   <div class="pagination pagination-centered pagination-large" style="position:absolute; bottom:0;">
       <ul class="page_control ">
            <li data-page="-" ><a href="#" >&lt;</a></li>
            <li class="active" data-page="1">
                <a href="#" >1</a>
            <li data-page="2"><a href="#" >2</a></li>
            <li data-page="3"><a href="#" >3</a></li>
            <li data-page="4"><a href="#" >4</a></li>
            <li data-page="5"><a href="#" >5</a></li>
            <li data-page="+"><a href="#" >&gt;</a></li>




var paginationHandler = function(){
    // store pagination container so we only select it once
    var $paginationContainer = $(".pagination-container"),
        $pagination = $paginationContainer.find('.pagination ul');

    // click event
    $pagination.find("li a").on('click.pageChange',function(e){

        // get parent li's data-page attribute and current page
        var parentLiPage = $(this).parent('li').data("page"),
            currentPage = parseInt( $(".pagination-container div[data-page]:visible").data('page') ),
            numPages = $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page]").length;

        // make sure they aren't clicking the current page
        if ( parseInt(parentLiPage) !== parseInt(currentPage) ) {
            // hide the current page

            if ( parentLiPage === '+' ) {
                // next page
                $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page="+( currentPage+1>numPages ? numPages : currentPage+1 )+"]").show();
            } else if ( parentLiPage === '-' ) {
                // previous page
                $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page="+( currentPage-1<1 ? 1 : currentPage-1 )+"]").show();
            } else {
                // specific page

$( document ).ready( paginationHandler );

下面是一个JS Fiddle来展示它的工作原理:




var paginationHandler = function(){
  // store pagination container so we only select it once
  var $paginationContainer = $(".pagination-container"),
      $pagination = $paginationContainer.find('.pagination ul');

  // click event
  $pagination.find("li a").on('click.pageChange',function(e){

      // get parent li's data-page attribute and current page
      var parentLiPage = $(this).parent('li').data("page"),
          currentPage = parseInt( $(".pagination-container div[data-page]:visible").data('page') ),
          numPages = $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page]").length;

      // make sure they aren't clicking the current page
      if ( parseInt(parentLiPage) !== parseInt(currentPage) ) {
          // hide the current page
          // update UI
          $('.pagination ul').removeClass('active');          

          if ( parentLiPage === '+' ) {
            var nextPage = (currentPage+1 == numPages+1) ? currentPage : currentPage+1;

            $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page="+( nextPage>numPages ? numPages : nextPage )+"]").show();              

          } else if ( parentLiPage === '-' ) {
            var prevPage = (0 == currentPage-1) ? currentPage : currentPage-1;
            $paginationContainer.find("div[data-page="+( prevPage<1 ? 1 : prevPage )+"]").show();

          } else {
              // specific page
$( document ).ready( paginationHandler );
