from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
# Load the image
img = Image.open('test.png')
# Convert the image to a NumPy array
img_array = np.array(img)
# Flatten the array
flat_array = img_array.flatten()
# Create an index array that records the original pixel positions
index_array = np.arange(flat_array.shape[0])
# Shuffle the 1D arrays using the same random permutation
shuffled_index_array = np.random.permutation(index_array)
shuffled_array = flat_array[shuffled_index_array]
# Reshape the shuffled 1D array to the original image shape
shuffled_img_array = shuffled_array.reshape(img_array.shape)
# Convert the NumPy array to PIL image
shuffled_img = Image.fromarray(shuffled_img_array)
# Save the shuffled image
# Save the shuffled index array as integers to a text file
np.savetxt('shuffled_index_array.txt', shuffled_index_array.astype(int), fmt='%d')
# Load the shuffled index array from the text file
shuffled_index_array = np.loadtxt('shuffled_index_array.txt', dtype=int)
# Rearrange the shuffled array using the shuffled index array
reshuffled_array = shuffled_array[shuffled_index_array]
# Reshape the flat array to the original image shape
reshuffled_img_array = reshuffled_array.reshape(img_array.shape)
# Convert the NumPy array to PIL image
reshuffled_img = Image.fromarray(reshuffled_img_array)
# Save the reshuffled image
我试图 Shuffle 的像素位置在一个图像中,但我坚持什么是错误的事情发生在这里。
行中执行的置换的反转操作,这可以通过将创建重排数组的行更改为以下行来获得有关回复的解释可在此处找到:Inverting permutations in Python