excel 在文件夹和子文件夹中搜索字符串,并将其信息提取到同一工作表中

2jcobegt  于 2023-02-17  发布在  其他


'Dimensioning public variable and declaring the data type
'A Public variable can be accessed from any module, Sub Procedure, Function, or Class within a specific workbook.
Public WS As Worksheet
'Name macro and parameters
Sub SearchWKBooksSubFolders(Optional Folderpath As Variant, Optional Str As Variant)
'Dimension variables and declare data types
Dim myfolder As String
Dim a As Single
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim Lrow As Single
Dim Folders() As String
Dim Folder As Variant
'Redimension array variable
ReDim Folders(0)
'IsMissing returns a Boolean value indicating if an optional Variant parameter has been sent to a procedure.
'Check if FolderPath has not been sent
If IsMissing(Folderpath) Then
    'Add a worksheet
    Set WS = Sheets.Add
    'Ask for a folder to search.
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        myfolder = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
    End With
    'Ask for a search string.
    Str = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Search string:", Title:="Search all workbooks in a folder", Type:=2)
    'Stop macro if no search string is entered.
    If Str = "" Then Exit Sub
    'Save "Search string:" to cell "A1".
    WS.Range("A1") = "Search string:"
     'Save variable Str to cell "B1".
    WS.Range("B1") = Str
    'Save "Path:" to cell "A2".
    WS.Range("A2") = "Path:"
    'Save variable myfolder to cell "B2".
    WS.Range("B2") = myfolder
    'Save "Folderpath" to cell "A3".
    WS.Range("A3") = "Folderpath"
    'Save "Workbook" to cell "B3".
    WS.Range("B3") = "Workbook"
    'Save "Worksheet" to cell "C3".
    WS.Range("C3") = "Worksheet"
    'Save "Cell Address" to cell "D3".
    WS.Range("D3") = "Cell Address"
    'Save "Link" to cell "E3".
    WS.Range("E3") = "Link"
    'Save variable myfolder to variable Folderpath
    Folderpath = myfolder
    'Dir returns a String representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute, or the volume label of a drive.
    Value = Dir(myfolder, &H1F)
'Continue here if FolderPath has been sent
    'Check if the two last characters in Folderpath is "//".
    If Right(Folderpath, 2) = "\\" Then
        'Stop macro
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Dir returns a String representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute, or the volume label of a drive.
    Value = Dir(Folderpath, &H1F)
End If
'Keep iterating until Value is nothing
Do Until Value = ""
    'Check if Value is . or ..
    If Value = "." Or Value = ".." Then
    'Continue here if Value is not . or ..
        'Check if Folderpath & Value is a folder
        If GetAttr(Folderpath & Value) = 16 Then
            'Add folder name to array variable Folders
            Folders(UBound(Folders)) = Value
            'Add another container to array variable Folders
            ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) + 1)
        'Continue here if Value is not a folder
        'Check if the file ends with xls, xlsx, or xlsm
        ElseIf Right(Value, 3) = "xls" Or Right(Value, 4) = "xlsx" Or Right(Value, 4) = "xlsm" Then
            'Enable error handling
            On Error Resume Next
            'Check if the workbook is password protected.
            Workbooks.Open fileName:=Folderpath & Value, Password:="zzzzzzzzzzzz"
            'Check if an error has occurred
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                'Write the workbook name and the phrase "Password protected."
                WS.Range("A4").Offset(a, 0).Value = Value
                WS.Range("B4").Offset(a, 0).Value = "Password protected"
                'Add 1 to variable 1
                a = a + 1
                'Disable error handling
                On Error GoTo 0
            'Continue here if an error has not occurred
                'Iterate through all worksheets in the active workbook
                For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
                        'Expand all groups in a sheet
                    sht.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=8, ColumnLevels:=8
                        'Search for cells containing search string and save to variable c
                        Set c = sht.Cells.Find(Str, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
                        'Check if variable c is not empty
                        If Not c Is Nothing Then
                            'Save cell address to variable firstAddress
                            firstAddress = c.Address
                            'Do ... Loop While c is not nothing
                                'Save the row of the last non-empty cell in column A
                                Lrow = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                                'Save folderpath to the first empty cell in column A in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("A1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = Folderpath
                                'Save value to the first empty cell in column B in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("B1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = Value
                                'Save the worksheet name to  the first empty cell in column C in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("C1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = sht.Name
                                'Save cell address to the first empty cell in column D in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("D1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = c.Address
                                'Insert hyperlink
                                WS.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=WS.Range("E1").Offset(Lrow, 0), Address:=Folderpath & Value, SubAddress:= _
                                "'" & sht.Name & "'" & "!" & c.Address, TextToDisplay:="Link"
                                'Find next cell containing search string and save to variable c
                                Set c = sht.Cells.FindNext(c)
                            'Continue iterate while c is not empty and the cell address is not equal to the first cell address.
                            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
                        End If
                'Continue with the next worksheet
                Next sht
            End If
            'Close workbook
            Workbooks(Value).Close False
            'Disable error handling
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    End If
    Value = Dir
'Go through all folder names and
For Each Folder In Folders
    'start another instance of macro SearchWKBooksSubFolders (recursive)
    SearchWKBooksSubFolders (Folderpath & Folder & "\")
Next Folder
'Resize column widths
End Sub






Public WS As Worksheet

'Name macro and parameters
Sub SearchWKBooksSubFolders1(Optional Folderpath As Variant, Optional Str As Variant)
'Dimension variables and declare data types
Dim myfolder As String
Dim a As Single
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim Lrow As Single
Dim Folders() As String
Dim Folder As Variant
'Redimension array variable
ReDim Folders(0)
'IsMissing returns a Boolean value indicating if an optional Variant parameter has been sent to a procedure.
'Check if FolderPath has not been sent
If IsMissing(Folderpath) Then
    'Add a worksheet
    'Set WS = Sheets.Add
     Set WS = ActiveSheet
    'Ask for a folder to search
    'With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    '    .Show
    '    myfolder = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
         myfolder = "C:\Serial_Numbers" & "\"     'Fixing the search folder
    'End With
    'Ask for a search string
    Str = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Search string:", Title:="Search all workbooks in a folder", Type:=2)
    'Stop macro if no search string is entered.
    If Str = "" Then Exit Sub
    WS.Range("A1") = "Serial Numbers"       'Serial Numbers List on Column A
    WS.Range("B1") = "Invoice Number"       'Save Invoice Number on Column B
    WS.Range("C1") = "Folderpath"           'Save "Folderpath" on Column C
    WS.Range("D1") = "Workbook"             'Save "Workbook" on Column D
    WS.Range("E1") = "Worksheet"            'Save "Worksheet" on Column E
    WS.Range("F1") = "Cell Address"         'Save "Cell Address" on Column F
    WS.Range("G1") = "Link"                 'Save "Link" on Column G
    'Save variable myfolder to variable Folderpath
    Folderpath = myfolder
    'Dir returns a String representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute or the volume label of a drive.
    Value = Dir(myfolder, &H1F)
'Continue here if FolderPath has been sent
    'Check if the two last characters in Folderpath is "//"
    If Right(Folderpath, 2) = "\\" Then
        'Stop macro
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Dir returns a String representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute or the volume label of a drive.
    Value = Dir(Folderpath, &H1F)
End If
'Keep iterating until Value is nothing
Do Until Value = ""
    'Check if Value is . or ..
    If Value = "." Or Value = ".." Then
    'Continue here if Value is not . or ..
        'Check if Folderpath & Value is a folder
        If GetAttr(Folderpath & Value) = 16 Then
            'Add folder name to array variable Folders
            Folders(UBound(Folders)) = Value
            'Add another container to array variable Folders
            ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) + 1)
        'Continue here if Value is not a folder
        'Check if file ends with xls, xlsx, or xlsm
        ElseIf Right(Value, 3) = "xls" Or Right(Value, 4) = "xlsx" Or Right(Value, 4) = "xlsm" Then
            'Enable error handling
            On Error Resume Next
            'Check if the workbook is password protected.
            Workbooks.Open Filename:=Folderpath & Value, Password:="zzzzzzzzzzzz"
            'Check if an error has occurred
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                'Write the workbook name and the phrase "Password protected."
                WS.Range("D2").Offset(a, 0).Value = Value
                WS.Range("E2").Offset(a, 0).Value = "Password protected"
                'Add 1 to variable 1
                a = a + 1
                'Disable error handling
                On Error GoTo 0
            'Continue here if an error has not occurred
                'Iterate through all worksheets in the active workbook
                For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
                        'Expand all groups in sheet
                    sht.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=8, ColumnLevels:=8
                        'Search for cells containing search string and save to variable c
                        Set c = sht.Cells.Find(Str, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
                        'Check if variable c is not empty
                        If Not c Is Nothing Then
                            'Save cell address to variable firstAddress
                            firstAddress = c.Address
                            'Do ... Loop While c is not nothing
                                'Save row of last non empty cell in column B
                            Lrow = WS.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                                'Invoice number using offset to Column A - Note:Search string is always in Column B
                                WS.Range("B1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Formula = "='[" & Value & "]" & sht.Name & "'!" & c.Offset(0, -1).Address & ""
                                'Save folderpath to the first empty cell in column C in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("C1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = Folderpath
                                'Save value to the first empty cell in column D in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("D1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = Value
                                'Save worksheet name to  the first empty cell in column C in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("E1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = sht.Name
                                'Save cell address to the first empty cell in column D in worksheet WS
                                WS.Range("F1").Offset(Lrow, 0).Value = c.Address
                                'Insert hyperlink
                                WS.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=WS.Range("G1").Offset(Lrow, 0), Address:=Folderpath & Value, SubAddress:= _
                                "'" & sht.Name & "'" & "!" & c.Address, TextToDisplay:="Link"
                                'Find next cewll containing search string and save to variable c
                                Set c = sht.Cells.FindNext(c)
                            'Continue iterate while c is not empty and cell address is not equal to first cell address
                            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
                        End If
                'Continue with next worksheet
                Next sht
            End If
            'Close workbook
            Workbooks(Value).Close False
            'Disable error handling
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    End If
    Value = Dir
'Go through all folder names and
For Each Folder In Folders
    'start another instance of macro SearchWKBooksSubFolders (recursive)
    SearchWKBooksSubFolders1 (Folderpath & Folder & "\")
Next Folder
'Resize column widths
End Sub
