如何在我的.net core应用程序中使用linq2db在单个查询中填充父列表中的子列表?

pxiryf3j  于 2023-02-20  发布在  .NET


public List<TurnReportItem> GetTurnReportsByDateShiftAndDept(DateTime shiftStart, int shiftNum, int dept)
        List<TurnReportItem> list;
        using (connection)
            list = (from r in connection.VTurnReports
                    join a in connection.TurnReportAreas on r.AreaId equals a.AreaId
                    where a.DeptId == dept && a.Enabled && r.ShiftDate == shiftStart && r.ShiftNum == shiftNum
                    select new TurnReportItem 
                        areaId = r.AreaId, 
                        areaName = a.Name, 
                        author = r.Author, 
                        comment = r.Comment, 
                        datetime = r.Datetime, 
                        id = r.EntryId, 
                        ip = r.Ip, 
                        shiftDate = r.ShiftDate, 
                        shiftNum = r.ShiftNum, 
                        sort_order = a.SortOrder, 
                        attachment_count = r.AttachmentCount, 
                        attachments = (
                            from at in connection.TurnReportAttachments where at.EntryId == r.EntryId
                            select new TurnReportAttachment
                                AttachmentId = at.AttachmentId,
                                FileName = at.FileName
                   .OrderBy(r => r.sort_order)
                   .OrderBy(r => r.datetime)
            return list;


public class TurnReportItem
    public int id;
    public string comment;
    public DateTime datetime;
    public string author;
    public int areaId;
    public string areaName;
    public DateTime shiftDate;
    public int shiftNum;
    public string ip;
    public int? attachment_count;
    public int sort_order;
    public int area_rating;
    public List<TurnReportAttachment> attachments;

    public TurnReportItem() { }


List<TurnReportItem> list;
using (connection)
    list = (from r in connection.VTurnReports
            join a in connection.TurnReportAreas on r.AreaId equals a.AreaId
            where a.DeptId == dept && a.Enabled && r.ShiftDate == shiftStart && r.ShiftNum == shiftNum
            select new TurnReportItem 
                areaId = r.AreaId, 
                areaName = a.Name, 
                author = r.Author, 
                comment = r.Comment, 
                datetime = r.Datetime, 
                id = r.EntryId, 
                ip = r.Ip, 
                shiftDate = r.ShiftDate, 
                shiftNum = r.ShiftNum, 
                sort_order = a.SortOrder, 
                attachment_count = r.AttachmentCount, 
                attachments = SelectAttachmentsByEntryId(r.EntryId)
           .OrderBy(r => r.sort_order)
           .OrderBy(r => r.datetime)
    return list;

public List<TurnReportAttachment> SelectAttachmentsByEntryId(int EntryId)
    using (connection)
        // we do it this way so that we don't return the blob
        var results = from p in connection.TurnReportAttachments
                      where p.EntryId == EntryId
                      select new TurnReportAttachment
                          EntryId = p.EntryId,
                          AttachmentId = p.AttachmentId,
                          FileName = p.FileName

        return results.ToList();



public static class ReportHelpers
    public static List<TurnReportAttachment> SelectAttachmentsByEntryId(MyConnection connection, int EntryId)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(); // should never enter here

    private static Expression<Func<MyConnection, int, List<TurnReportAttachment>>> SelectAttachmentsByEntryIdImpl()
        return (connection, EntryId) =>
            (from p in connection.TurnReportAttachments
            where p.EntryId == EntryId
            select new TurnReportAttachment
                EntryId = p.EntryId,
                AttachmentId = p.AttachmentId,
                FileName = p.FileName


public List<TurnReportItem> GetTurnReportsByDateShiftAndDept(DateTime shiftStart, int shiftNum, int dept)
    using (connection)
        var list = (from r in connection.VTurnReports
                join a in connection.TurnReportAreas on r.AreaId equals a.AreaId
                where a.DeptId == dept && a.Enabled && r.ShiftDate == shiftStart && r.ShiftNum == shiftNum
                select new TurnReportItem 
                    areaId = r.AreaId, 
                    areaName = a.Name, 
                    author = r.Author, 
                    comment = r.Comment, 
                    datetime = r.Datetime, 
                    id = r.EntryId, 
                    ip = r.Ip, 
                    shiftDate = r.ShiftDate, 
                    shiftNum = r.ShiftNum, 
                    sort_order = a.SortOrder, 
                    attachment_count = r.AttachmentCount, 
                    attachments = ReportHelpers.SelectAttachmentsByEntryId(connection, r.EntryId)
                .OrderBy(r => r.sort_order)
                .ThenBy(r => r.datetime)
        return list;

