I would like to change the name of my SQL Server instance. Is there a simple way of doing this or is a significant effort required? Note, this is a named instance - not the default instance.
I would like to change the name of my SQL Server instance. Is there a simple way of doing this or is a significant effort required? Note, this is a named instance - not the default instance.
The only way is a reinstall. See this similar thread for more info: SQL Server, convert a named instance to default instance?
Or you could try this method: http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.sqlserver.server/browse_thread/thread/544c4eaf43ddfaf3/f1bdcd1ec9cab158#f1bdcd1ec9cab158
I have seen a few makeshift ways of doing this, but I don't have confidence in any of them. I think I will simply install a new instance and transfer my information over.
Renaming does't work well on the registry. Install a new isntance.
Although there is no simple way of renaming a SQL Server instance, one can create SQL aliases .