pandas 时间序列管理中不支持的操作数类型

fhg3lkii  于 2023-02-27  发布在  其他

我使用this tutorial来使代码适应我的数据。现在,我实现了一些步骤,但在分割数据时出现了一个错误:

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Import the data path (my time series path)
data_path = 'PATH'

#Import the csv containing the label (in my case "Reussite_Sevrage")
target_df = pd.read_csv("PATH.csv",encoding="ISO-8859-1", dtype={'ID': 'str'})

# Delete the useless lines (containing nan values in the end of the dataset)
target_df = target_df.iloc[0:57,:]

# Definition of the labels
labels = target_df['Reussite_sevrage']

# Definition of the df containing the IDs

#Splitting the data 
train_ids, test_ids, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(sequence_ids, labels, test_size=0.2)

#Create the X_train and X_test dataframe
X_train = pd.DataFrame()
X_test = pd.DataFrame()

# Now, will loop through the training sequence IDs and the testing sequence IDs. 
# For each of these sequence IDs, we will read the corresponding time series data CSV file and add it to the main dataframe.
# We will also add a column for the sequence number and a step column which contains integers representing the time step in the sequence

for i, sequence in enumerate(train_ids):
    inputfile = 'PATH'/ f"{sequence}.txt"
    if inputfile.exists():
        df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_path, 'PAD/', "%s.txt" % sequence), 
                delimiter='\t',  # columns are separated by spaces
                header=None,  # there's no header information
                #parse_dates=[[0, 1]],  # the first and second columns should be combined and converted to datetime objects
        df = df.iloc[:,1]
        df = df.to_frame(name ='values')
        df.insert(0, 'sequence', i)
        df['step'] = np.arange(df.shape[0]) # creates a range of integers starting from 0 to the number of the measurements.
        X_train = pd.concat([X_train, df])


inputfile = PATH / f"{sequence}.txt"
    if inputfile.exists():

但出现以下错误:unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'
我不知道是否错误是由于数据加载过程中的dtype={'ID': 'str'},但我需要它,因为ID的格式如下:0001,0002,0003 ...如果不添加此条件,则ID将转换为:1,2,3...
sequence_ids, train_ids, train_labels, test_ids and test_labels为串行格式,sequence为字符串格式。



我建议使用Path库来处理文件路径。你可以使用from pathlib import Path导入,inputfile将是Path(data_path) / f"PAD/{sequence}.txt"这将创建一个Path对象到序列文件的路径。现在你应该可以在此调用exists()方法。

from pathlib import Path

# Import the data path (my time series path)
data_path = 'PATH'


for i, sequence in enumerate(train_ids):
    inputfile = Path(data_path) / f"PAD/{sequence}.txt"
    if inputfile.exists():
        df = pd.read_csv(
            delimiter='\t',  # columns are separated by spaces
            header=None,  # there's no header information

