Convert varchar column to time and use it in a where clause

5jvtdoz2  于 2023-02-28  发布在  其他

I want to convert a varchar column that has written time information in it. But in an unusual way.

Here a sample of the column dtib

  • Time: 70'000 should be converted to 07:00:00
  • Time: 143'000 should be converted to 14:30:00

I want to make variable on it, so I can use it for example:

where btip between &btibA and &btibB

and if possible with the column type of time .

In the end, I want to create a variable for btiA = 07:00:00 and 15:00:00 and filter all column that fits in this time range.

Can anyone help me?



You can use as below mention code, but I'll suggest to change table design if possible.

CONVERT(TIME, STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(REPLACE('00000' + btip, CHAR(39), ''), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':'))
