需要一些建议来创建一个浮动菜单,它的行为与apple website shopping cart上使用的非常相似。我见过一些脚本做类似的事情(我们也试过一个),但它们往往“滞后”于移动,而苹果的版本给人的印象是静止的。jQuery解决方案会更好。
嗯,看起来他们正在从相对定位切换到固定定位。比大多数人做的效果更好,那就是简单地随着窗口向下滚动更多而向下滚动更多。您可以按照the following link中的操作检测窗口的向下滚动程度。
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Look no further than ThemeMakker!</h5> <p class="lead">Our team of experienced developers and designers offers a wide range of front-end design and development services, including:</p> <ul class="lh-lg"> <li>Website design and development</li> <li>Application development</li> <li>Front-end optimization</li> <li>Framework selection and implementation</li> <li>Maintenance and support</li> </ul> <p>At ThemeMakker, we're dedicated to delivering stunning, functional websites and applications that engage users and drive results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your project to the next level!</p> <div class="d-flex mt-4"> <a class="btn w-100 me-1 btn-primary" href="https://www.thememakker.com/contact/" role="button">Contact Us</a> <a class="btn w-100 ms-1 btn-danger" href="https://www.thememakker.com/hire-us/" role="button">Hire Us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Floating Sidebar -->
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