2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: init supervisor logger path=nil rotate_age=nil rotate_size=nil
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: #0 init worker0 logger path=nil rotate_age=nil rotate_size=nil
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: adding match pattern="application.log" type="http"
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [warn]: #0 Use different plugin for secondary. Check the plugin works with primary like secondary_file primary="Fluent::Plugin::HTTPOutput" secondary="Fluent::Plugin::StdoutOutput"
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: adding source type="tail"
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: #0 starting fluentd worker pid=5624 ppid=5621 worker=0
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: #0 following tail of /var/log/Log.log
2023-02-04 20:09:08 +0800 [info]: #0 fluentd worker is now running worker=0
@type tail
@id tail_var_logs
read_from_head true
tag application.log
path /var/log/Log.log
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/tmp/coralog.pos
path_key path
@type none
<label @CORALOGIX>
<filter application.log>
@type record_transformer
@log_level warn
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
applicationName "Example_App"
subsystemName "Example_Subsystem"
#text ${record.to_json}
<match application.log>
@type http
endpoint https://api.coralogixsg.com/logs/rest/singles
headers {"private_key":"<my private key>"}
retryable_response_codes 503
error_response_as_unrecoverable false
@type memory
chunk_limit_size 10MB
compress gzip
flush_interval 1s
retry_max_times 5
retry_type periodic
retry_wait 2
#If any messages fail to send they will be send to STDOUT for debug.
@type stdout
---〉请使用td-agent -vv查看详细日志:
2023-02-05 08:48:49 +0800 [trace]: #0 fluent/log.rb:287:trace: enqueueing all chunks in buffer instance=2000
2023-02-05 08:48:54 +0800 [trace]: #0 fluent/log.rb:287:trace: enqueueing all chunks in buffer instance=2000
2023-02-05 08:49:00 +0800 [trace]: #0 fluent/log.rb:287:trace: enqueueing all chunks in buffer instance=2000
2023-02-05 08:49:05 +0800 [trace]: #0 fluent/log.rb:287:trace: enqueueing all chunks in buffer instance=2000
2023-02-05 08:49:10 +0800 [trace]: #0 fluent/log.rb:287:trace: enqueueing all chunks in buffer instance=2000
2023-02-05 08:49:16 +0800 [debug]: #0 fluent/log.rb:309:debug: tailing paths: target = /var/log/Log.log | existing = /var/log/Log.log